Friday 31 July 2020

Eye Eye, now it's TM's turn!

Hi Woofers.

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

We heard some sad news this morning, remember Ozzie who collapsed when he was out for his morning stroll? He was the one Old Two Legs helped carry home in one of our blankets?

Well, last week Ozzie went out in the garden, lay down on the path and didn't wake up. Poor lad, it looks like his lung infection got him in the end. He was a lovely fella, always said hello to OTL and was a gentle woofer to Holly and I when ever we met him.

Miss Wendy came out with us this morning but when lunchtime came Eric decided it was just too hot for walkies. Maybe tomorrow when the temperature is set to plunge ten degrees!

OTL took his big camera and the 105mm close up lens. The Dragonflies were too fast and just too high to get a good shot so we had to make do with chasing butterflies instead!

Just stopped for a breather!
When we got to the beach there was another of those rig things parked up off Sheerness Docks. We had a look at the Marine Traffic program and discovered that it was called Ran. Well, that's what it said on the computer program!

Well, it's registered in Iran and called Ran!
We stopped for a while on the bench to take a look at the rigs, maybe they both have some sort of maintenance plans!

After we got fed up with looking at them we headed off towards home. Both Holly and I were getting hot and in need of a drink.

OTL stopped when he saw a Buff Tailed Bumblebee but it wouldn't stand still while OTL was clicking away with the camera.

Look, there is my Buff Tail, photograph that if you want!
Back home The Missus had been on the phone to the optometrists about her ocular migraine. There was loads of rushing around cos they didn't know if it could be a detached retina.

So, an appointment was made with the same optometrists that OTL uses and it was OTL's job to drive her there and back cos she had to have drops in her eyes.

Well, in the end and after an hours consultation, it was decided that it was a migraine and her eyes were good for her age!

OTL was pleased about that cos can you imagine what it would be like if she couldn't do all her glue slapping?

OTL said it was also good news that Holly and I wouldn't have to be trained up as guide dogs!

I'd make a good guide dog, providing she wanted to go the way I wanted to go!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well my mum has just seen on faceache that Mrs TM had to go and get her eyes looked at and how she was pleased that she got such good service. We're pleased she got good service too and hope she gets over her migraine soon. My mum said migraines can be really nasty. I bet OTL is pleased about not getting you and Holly chops trained up as guide dogs, cos that training don't half cost lots of dosh, it's more than a fiver you know. He could always get Eric trained up as a seeing eye ferret, on account he'd be quite useful to Mrs TM when she was crafting seeing as Eric knows where all her smoothies are kept, and him being smaller, the training might be cheaper. I was sorry to hear about Ozzie. Nice pictures today. Watch out them rigs might be breeding. It's been very hot here today but the wind is getting up now and it's quite cloudy so my mum reckons we might get a storm. I've had to chase a cheeky squirrel out of my garden twice today, I've had strong words with him and told him to woof off. Now my mum come home from work this morning complaining about a man who let his dog do a massive poo outside her shop, well between the shop and her car, she was telling a chap wot got out of his car wot a dirty barsteward people are wot don't pick up, then she went in to tell her boss to go through the CCTV and print a picture, off went my mum to clean up and drop off some papers and when she got back, she asked her boss if he found out who was guilty, well he said it was the man she was talking to wot she saw get out of his car, apparently, he'd taken his dog out of the car for a walk, let it poo, when he finished walking it, it put the woofer back in the car and came in the shop to buy some stuff. My mum wanted her boss to put the picture in the shop window so the other customers could see, cos apparently this is the 2nd time this week this has happened. Next time my mum said she'll pick it up and smear it from the front of his car to the back .......... my mum will as well so I reckon that woofer might need to look for a new owner. Anyways, scoff time now so give my best to Mrs TM. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sorry to hear about Ozzie. Always a shame when a beloved pet dies.

    Glad to hear TM is ok sight wise, and I hope her migraine clears quickly.

    LOVELY picture of you Daisy.

    Flaming hot yesterday, but cooler today thank goodness.

    Read Lazy Sunday's comment and can say there's been a spate of dog poo left on pavements around here recently and being neighbourly I cleared it up. Gives dog owners a bad name and so unnecessary as there's at least 4 dog bins I can think of in close proximity.

    Wishing you all a super weekend.
