Wednesday 26 August 2020

Things are getting better!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it looks like the summer is coming to an end, for a couple of days it has been like Autumn is creeping around the headland and both wind and rain is making a nuisance of it's self! 

Holly and I have had to wear our big harness and Old Two Legs has had to put on his water and wind proof jacket!

Both ferrets have stayed in bed and pretended to be asleep!

First thing today we went over to the olf golf course for the morning stroll and to get past the fence we had to climb over a big tree branch that had been snapped off the tree and was blocking the path!

OTL has been in a good mood, he has just got an order in from Germany that is twice the size of the normal order from this customer. Now this means that business is slowly picking up in Germany or they had let their stock drop right down because they didn't know how their own customers were doing!

So, after cleaning the ferret cages and having a long game with Eric of chase the squeaky ball, OTL settled down to getting things on build!

Before he had finished, Holly and I decided it was time we had our walk on the sea front, one of our favourite walks.

When we hgot down to the sea front OTL used his big camera and a 300mm lens to take a picture of a ship that has been moored up in the esturary for the last two or three days.

It was a long way away and OTL was hand holding the camera but with a bit of luck and a fiddly diddly on the computer we managed to get this shot.

Now, we know it's called LE GRAND BLEU, which Holly says means The Big Blue and is described as a Pleasure Craft. 

Yeah, we would have a lot of fun on that one as well!

As we wandered along the sea wall we spotted some Black Tailed Godwit poking around in the mud looking for worms and stuff.

OTL says he is always not too sure if the birds are Godwits, Bar-Tailed Godwits or Black Tailed Godwits! So, unless corrected, we reckon they are Black Tailed Godwits!

There were more worm hunters on the mud and Holly spotted these tracks to show where the Wormy Man had been!

Looking over to Sheerness, we saw the rigs were still moored up and being worked on but we didn't see any electric arc welding going on, so they must now be working inside the cabins.

While OTL was photographing the rigs I had a scout along the beach and found a ball on a rope. Trouble was, it had been in the water too long and had picked up some smelly stuff on the rope, so I decided to leave it and go of hunting Nargles instead!

We have been forced to listen to the craft programs on the TV and heard The Missus name mentioned a few times. Now we can put up with her head getting bigger but she don't 'arf go off the deep end when the presenter holds TM's framed card up side down! I mean, across the back was the instructions, THIS WAY UP and a big arrow pointing up.

I won't tell you what TM said but if curses come true, that presenter's knickers were on fire all afternoon!

You don't mess with TM!

See you tomorrow.


Dasy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. We've had a pretty good day weatherwise today, I even ventured out for a walk. Now there's loads of chaps and machines in my road, doing digging and stuff ... I did offer to help them dig a hole but my mum said I wasn't to talk to strange men. Now I bumped into the new pup wot lives just a few doors down from me, my mum reckons he's a smashing little chap but the family wot have him say he's very hard work, now wot would anyone expect from a young woofer and a young doodle type woofer. My mum reckons he'd fit in well in our house. Nice pictures today, I'm surprised you didn't find any boots stuck in that mud. I know exactly wot you mean about Missuses shouting at the presenters on the telly, my ears are ringing a bit here as well. My mum has had a reasonably good day today with her toofs but you wouldn't believe wot the dentists did, they phoned my mum up this morning about her appointment next week and said they had someone with an emergency and would my mum let them change her appointment to a couple of hours later ......... my mum said ok and is feeling really sorry for someone who must be in even more pain than she is. Oooohhh I forgot to tell you, she would £30 on the lottery ..... now there I was thinking about how many treats she could buy me with all that and do you know, do you know, she's only promised to buy her and my boy a chinese on Saturday if her toofs feel like it. How mean can you get. Anyways, take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (hard done by and neglected) Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Smashing pictures. Congrats to OTL for getting a larger than expected order.
    Ooh, will have to catch-up with the TV prog showing TM's cards upside down! Honestly, you can't get the staff can you?

    Better weather here today too.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
