Friday 7 August 2020

Too hot for a ferret!

 Hi Woofers.

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

Well, it was warm this morning but Wendy still came out for a stroll around the football field.

When we got back Old Two Legs was all rush and tear to get the cages cleaned and ready for a bit of 'Woofer Cleaning'!

As it was we managed to convince OTL to go out for walkies before a wash and shave!  

The only problem was, it was too hot for Eric, so he stayed in bed and showed off!

We got down to the beach and was surprised to see a Photo Shoot going on. We decided not to visit 'cos they may decide to ask Holly and I to do some posing for them!

Any way, they couldn't afford us anyway!

Down on the beach I found a ball and had a game of 'chase' with OTL where he would kick the ball, I'd chase it, then I would bury it in the sand and do a wee on it!

After that we headed for the bench on top of the hill where Holly and I took shelter in the shade of the bench trying to dodge OTL taking photos!

Well, from these photos you can see that we are a little 'hairy' and could do with a light hair cut!

Mind you, I still look good when I have the 'Shaggy Look'!

We had taken the long way around the forest and parked up in the big car park, the one where all the tourists park, so that means we passed the famous Two Tree Location!

Heading back to the car park we saw just how many tourists had gathered on the beach. There were Mini Two Legs dancing in the mud, a fisherman with his tent to keep out of the sun and the Photo Shoot still messing about with makeup!

We get all sorts down at Grain!

By the way, do you like the frames on the photos? OTL upgraded the photo processing program and the frames were an addition!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well you and Holly chops do look the bees knees framed. It's been very hot here for most of the day. I've stayed inside unless I needed a wee or a poo, I had the fans blowing on me, now sometimes I don't like them blowing on me but today, I was quite pleased about it. My mum has been trying to sort a parking permit with the council, not an easy thing with our council cos it looks like they got some stray cat to do the web page ........ anyways, they've decided OAPs don't get a discount after all, my mum said in their leaflet it said 50% but they say they give the discount on the visitor vouchers, so my mum has bought a book of them cos they last until 2026, not that we think we'll need them but sometimes we get the odd dipstick wot parks across the drive, then we can't get in or out. So that my mum doesn't need to park streets away, she thought a book of vouchers would come in handy, if this happens. Personally, I just reckon it's a right scam to charge people to park in the road wot they live in. Smashing pictures today, they look very posh. Poor Eric, but I don't think he would have liked being out in the heat today. Now when we were pegging the washing out this morning, me and my mum looked up to the top of one of the trees at the bottom of our garden, cos we could feel some beady eyes looking at us. There on the tree, was this wacking great red kite. We usually see them flying over but this was sat there, licking his lips and looking for a snack. It was huge, my mum reckons it was handsome but no way was it as handsome as me. Anyways, a load of magpies chased it off. Now fancy a great big bird like that being scared off by magpies, wot a wimp. Well that was mainly our excitement of the day today. My mum is only going to work for a little while tomorrow so I'm looking forward to her coming home and us snuggling up back in bed, paws crossed. Will you find that ball again tomorrow Daisy? Hope you do, it's nice having a game, it gives these TL's a bit of exercise you know. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I like the frames but I can't read the captions unless I enlarge each one. Tooo hot to write more! X
