Tuesday 1 September 2020

Getting Tyred of this!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Wot a super day it's been, out first thing this morning with little Eric tagging along. We went over the old golf course and Eric was doing his favourite trick of jumping down, getting his tummy all wet on the dew laden grass, then climbing up on Old Two Legs arm and dry himself off on OTL's sleeve!

Crafty or wot?

Just for a change the sky has been blue all day today and the breeze has been gentle. So walking down on the sea front was very pleasant!

And the sniffs were OK as well!

Well, bless my tail, those rigs are still there!

Now, other than the normal jobs OTL has to do every day, like poo shovelling and cage cleaning, there is also the 'Must Do' jobs that have been stored on the computer diary. Today is the 'check Tyres' day. You see one wheel has developed a leak. Trouble is. it is a 'Slow Leak', so there is nothing for it but to take the wheel off and wander on down to the tyre man to check it all out!

Now, in the fourteen years that we have had the caravan we have never had any problems with the tyres at all so this has tested OTL's tool box!

First of all the wheel nuts have to be tightened up to a 'Torque Setting' of 115nm. So, he had to buy a Torque wrench. Next he had to buy a tyre pressure gauge and some spare valves and a little tool to screw the valve in with. Lucky he had a socket set that fits the wheel nuts! On top of that he had to buy a hydraulic jack, just in case he had to change a wheel on the motorway!

Well, he got the wheel off and in doing so he had to roll around on the ground to position the jack ready to lift it up to get the wheel. Now that's no big thing but in doing so he disturbed all the spiders who to get away decided to run all over OTL.

OTL don't like spiders!

Well, in the end the leak was traced to a small leak between the tyre and the wheel rim. Off came the tyre and the leaks pasted with some sort of black gunk!

Back home it was another roll around amongst the spiders and on went the wheel and the nuts tightened to the torque setting and the jack packed back into it's travelling box!

So, there we are, another step closer to the holiday, all repairs done, van serviced, tyre mended and van cleaned!

At the end of the week both Holly and I have our anti tick drops and the ferrets get their  dose as well!

I must admit, I hate it cos it makes my shoulders all itchy and the ferrets hate the wet as well!

Roll on holiday time!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well now, sounds like OTL had quite a time trying to get that tyre sorted out, now I don't like spiders either and so far they haven't managed to catch me. I think if I'd been OTL I might have driven the caravan to the tyre menders and let them get down with the spiders ........ ewwwww, yuk. Nice pictures today,of course you know which one I like the best. Now my mum went over town to buy a new printer today ......... she came back with steam coming out of her ears and a pair of new slippers. My boy has been trying to sort her printer out for her and he was at the last part of diagnosing and then going to treat the problem but he needed a printer to download some stuff so he could get it all sorted but there was a small problem ...... we have a printer but it won't print. Seems google updated their operating system but HP didn't give an update to work with the new operating system, so here's my mum with a printer wot won't print. According to the person in JL, you can't get a printer for love nor money in the country at the moment except the £170 printer wot he had in stock, but by the time he got to that point, my mum already had steam coming out of her ears because he'd been very, very rude to her ....... not wise to be rude to my mum when she wants to spend money and she's got toofache. I'm sure my boy will get the printer sorted anyways once he has access to a printer wot works, so he's probably saved my mum some dosh so she can get me some extra treats with it. My mum is off to the dentist tomorrow so paws crossed he can sort her out ...... paws crossed she don't take a bite out of him cos he upsets her. Now is not the time for anyone to tick my mum off, even me and my boy are on our best behaviour and our worst behaviour is usually better than others best. I'll be hiding behind sand bags when she gets home from the dentist just in case. I'm thinking of hitching a lift with you all when you go on your holibods, I'm sure at the moment it'll be safer standing on the hard shoulder of the A1 than being at home with a mum with toofache. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
