Thursday 24 September 2020

Lazy Days are here!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you again but without any photos, sorry.

Old Two Legs has been trying to get down loaded from the camera, processed on a laptop running Windows and then passed onto an iPloddicus like wot we are writing the blog on at the moment.

He hasn’t been able to make it work and he is now calling all the computers rude names!

Mind you, us woofers don’t really care cos we get to go out and wee all the way along the beach and back again!

It has been all sun shine and clouds today, not much rain at all.

Eric has been trying to slide all along the caravan on his butt but is still getting carpet burns and when he tries to do it using the doggy towels he gets all in a knot and Miss Wendy gives him a punch in the ear cos he rolls on top of her!

Holly and I are normally on the bed keeping out of the way when she does this cos we don’t want her to pick on us and any way it would be too dangerous cos getting too near her tail will make her turn around and bite us on the nose and as OTL says, you mustn’t get into an arse kicking contest with a porcupine!

Holly and I are’s too sure what a porcupine is but it sounds like we shouldn’t get too close! 

Yesterday we headed out for a ride along the coast and went passed Skipness Castle, which was miles down this very narrow road. Well, we got to get out of the car twice for a run down on the beach and a paddle in the stream running into the sea, even Holly got her paws wet!

Well, when we got there OTL saw the price of getting in plus the sign that said ‘No Dogs’ and said they could stuff the castle! He looked at the map and decided to carry on past the castle and on to the end of the road which didn’t  go anywhere. OTL thinking it may end in a car park and a path to the beach, slowly made his way down the road only to be met at the end by a gate which said ‘Private and Sod Off’!

Well it didn’t have any notices there saying that but if there was, that’s what it would have said!

There was a big garden with close cut grass and big pretty flowers which all looked very private an sod off!

So we did!

We have several more stops on our drive along the small road and stopped for more paddles and wee’s!

When we drove through Campbeltown OTL spotted that the distillery was open, so, screaming to a halt in a cloud of burning tyre rubber, he left us in the car and rushed into the distillery sales office to purchase two bottles of their finest twelve year old single malt whisky!

Last night and we suspect that tonight, we won’t be getting too much conversation out of OTL!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.  

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties, I'm just pleased to hear from you and don't mind waiting til you get home to look at your holiday pics. So is Eric trying to join in my game of zooooom, I had another go last night and got told off again, honestly, here I am trying to invent something wot would cover the cost of my scoff and all I get is earache. Hope you've got some good butt cream in case Eric gets any nasty burns on his butt. Now I asked my mum about this porkypine thingy, she said it's like a big fat hedgehog with an afro type hair style. Don't sound to scary to me. Shame about the castle, do they know wot they missed, they should have been queuing up to pay you for visiting, do they know you're famous? I went for a walk this morning and spotted my friend storm up the road, well I went running up the road with my mum trying to hang on to the lead and keep up, we had a good chat about the sniffs then Storm went up his garden path, I wanted to go with him but my mum said I had to go on my walk, I decided that I wasn't moving, so in the end I turned round and went home. I'm glad OTL managed to find a distillery open so he could get his night cap stuff. Glad to hear the weather is still sunny up there, it's rained on and off down here today. My mum is a bit out of sorts, she doesn't fancy going to work tomorrow but as I told her, no work, no crafting goodies. Don't know wot she moans about, I mean she's not left here doing guard duty. Take care all and enjoy your evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
