Sunday 13 September 2020

We are off in the morning!

 Yo Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

We have been in and out of the caravan all day today, loading up the clothes and tins of doggy dins plus the ferrets nosh!

There seems to be more crafting stuff than normal and The Missus is complaining that she feels worn out loading it into the caravan. So, that means there is more stuff than normal and a reduced space for us woofers!

First thing today Eric came with us for a run around the golf course and had great fun in the sand pit again. This time not only was he digging but he also shoved his nose into the sand to sniff any sniffs that might have got left by the rabbits who like to do digging as well!

Lunchtime we went down to the sea front where there were some strangers wandering about plus, we met up with Bob the staffy who has got a thing about giving OTL his rubber toy to throw for him. Today I got all big and brave and tried to chase after the ball but Bob was too quick and too heavy for me to shove out of the way!

The rest of the afternoon was spent packing up all of the last bits for us woofers and OTL went hunting for enough socks to last him all holiday!

Now, tomorrow we will be off early and looking for our first stop at the end of the M6 where there is a good place for us woofers to wee!

The ferrets get a walk around the grass banks and a chance for a wee as well.

After a bite to eat it's then off to Gretna Green where we will be stopping overnight, as normal.

Next day, Tuesday we will land in Carradale where we have a quarter of a mile of sand beach to run on and shallow water to have a swim in!

As we head up the M1 we will be calling out to Archie Babe, providing of course he isn't snuggled up and snoring his tail off!

Next blog will be Tuesday or Wednesday depending on just how tired we all are after the journey!

By for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties, well I feel quited excited for you all. Now as if I would be snoozing when my favourite girls are passing by, of course I'll be wide awake and listening out for you, if you listen really hard and if OTL hasn't got the peddle to the metal, you should hear me woof out back to you. Now just do one last check to make sure Mrs TM hasn't taken out any of your stuff to put her crafty stuff in. Is there room for OTL to take enough socks to last him the whole holiday, I mean, can't he wear them twice then turn them inside out for a couple of days, then he could plodge in the sea with you and freshen them up. I expect you'll be going to bed early tonight so you don't feel too tired in the morning. Now I was just thinking, it's a long way from down by the seaside to the top of the M6, to wait for a wee. Anyways, happy crossing your legs girls. Take care all and have a lovely holiday with safe and pleasant journeys. Watch out for them heeland coos and them golden eagle thingys, watch they don't swoop down after Wendy or Eric. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers, with extra x's until you do your diary again. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy hols. Safe journey. Xxx

    1. Hi Woofers! We got problemsthis end of the world, computer refuses to work and won't let OTL in so I can do my blog!

    2. ok, now we have proved this works, it looks like the blog will be done via the reply button, unless OTL gets all technikal! Anyway, on the way up we got stuck on the A82 where the road got washed away in the form of an avalance and we got onto the side road and was stopped by the man in a orange suit. OTL was worred 'cos we were right under the avalance and said that if he see's any sign of rocks heading down the mountain he will be putting his foot hard down on the gas peddale and shoving the car in front so hard he will knock him into the next mountain!
      Well, we got through and passed the 'Rest and be Thankful, so, all is well and we arrived, a bit late, but sfae and sound!
      we've been down on the beach and I've had a swim and we both rolled in some serious sniffs and got right smelly! we are going to leave OTL to plonk away on the laptop and see if he can cure the problem. See you again soon.
      Luv, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret
