Sunday 25 October 2020

The Ran is getting ready to run!

 Hi Woofers!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

It's been a bit of a damp day today, like clouds everywhere and drops of rain dripping on us every time we stick our noses out of the door!

We were given instructions, or, to be accurate, Old Two Legs was given instructions to 'Gather some Pears off the tree' when we went out first thing but the pears left on the tree were over ripe and rather rotting on the branch. So, not wishing to get in trouble, OTL went to the tree next door and picked three apples and took them home. We are not sure what they will taste like but we have never heard of an apple poisoning anyone, unless you are Sleeping Beauty but you need a dozen dwarfs singing songs to make that one work!

Just as we were heading home across the football field it started to rain so we got a move on while OTL started singing Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, it’s off to home we go!

This morning The Missus was working on another of her video things and we were banned to the office after putting Eric and Wendy back in the cage!

We were only let out when she was taking a break to start the second one. Going on at this rate we reckon she will soon be getting an Oscar for volume rather than content!

Yes, it was raining at lunchtime and OTL had to leave the camera in the car which was a shame because we spotted that the drilling rig, RAN, was floating on the water and it was low tide!

Well, we reckon that maybe it is time it was towed away to do some work. We will be looking at the computer program that monitors ship movements and if possible, get down there with the camera to say goodbye!

This afternoon was spent watching the F1 Racing from Portugal to see Lewis get a record Ninety-Two wins!

Clever lad! Although, Holly reckons she could do just as well but doesn’t want to show him up!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well we didn't have any rain here today but it has been quite chilly. Now I've been in trouble today, see I found a conker in the garden and decided to have a nibble, this in turn lead to a phone call to the RVC and my mum telling me wot a naughty boy I've been. Anyways, so far so good and my mum and my boy are keeping their paws crossed. The up side is, that when my mum goes to work in the morning, my boy is going to let me snooze with him, now that means I can sing to him my snoozing songs. Shame there weren't any pears for Mrs TM and I hope the apples were good. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM's videos, we think she should get an oscar. It seems a shame that she bans you to the office cos I know lots of her fans would love to see you all with small walk on parts. I reckon Holly chops could beat Lewis any day of the week. Time for me to go and get some scoff. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
