Friday 9 October 2020

Truffle Hounds!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you!

Well, here we are, Friday and the beginning of the weekend only it +seems to have lost its sparkle!

Just before we left this morning to go for our morning stroll, the rain stopped. Now that was a good thing 'cos that means we can wash our paws walking through the grass while washing off the mud we had picked up by walking through the muddy bits!

Just before we left home The Missus gave Old Two Legs 'Instructions' and when TM gives 'Instructions' you had better listen!

So, he listened!

The 'Instructions' went like this..........'As you go through the fence into the Old Golf Course you must turn right' she said, waving her left paw. OTL felt he needed clarification and pointed towards her left paw and said 'left?'

'Yus', says TM and carries on, 'Turn left and just a bit further down, on the right, (waving her right paw) you will find a pear tree, pick me some fine pears, ones without wasp holes in them, OK?'

We found the pear tree, chased off a partridge that was making out it's Christmas List and picked three pears without wasp holes in them.

That should keep TM happy!

As we carried on OTL got to telling us about Truffle Hounds who earned their keep by finding and digging up Truffle Fungi. What he also said was that Truffle Hounds could be Woofers but mostly they were pigs!

Holly said she could be a Truffle Hound 'cos she was always looking for food and she didn't like it when I said that she would be great 'cos Truffle Hounds were also fat, just like her!

It was then that the fight started!

We were still talking about Truffles at lunchtime when we headed off to the beach and for the first part of the walk we were snuffling around looking for Truffles!


 Most of what we found wasn't Truffles, but rabbit poo, which we reckon tasted like Truffles but no good for OTL!

We found some Fungi hidden in the grass but OTL says that Truffles are buried in the ground and not in the grass.


 The ones we found had just poked their heads up out of the grass and looked like they wouldn't taste very nice anyway!


 Ones like these are normally found in deep grasses or piles of leaf mould and sometimes grew to be the size of dinner plates!

We got fed up with Truffle hunting in the end and headed into the woods to check on the leaf colours. There was one tree that looked like it was about to loose all it's leaves, well maybe in a week or so.


The colours are turning but there is still too much green!

The afternoon was spent looking at the TV and the F1 racing but it was just too wet to go out to play so maybe they will get the practice and the Q1+2 done tomorrow.

Have fun over the weekend!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it sounds like you and Holly chops have been very busy sniffing out scoff today. I've been just as busy, I've been sniffing out squirrel nuts. I had a bit of luck and found a few in my garden, them squirrels just don't bury their nuts deep enough to get me off the scent. Shame you didn't find any truffles cos my mum reckons they cost an arm and a leg and you could sell them in exchange for some tastier chicken strips. It rained here on and off most of the day so I declined a walk. I've just been busy trotting round the garden when the rain stopped today. Hope Mrs TM enjoyed her pears though. Me and my mum have had quite a lazy day, we really don't do getting up early in the mornings. We're up early again tomorrow then we can have a lay in on Sunday. Hope Eric is continuing to do well and keeping his teef in his mouth. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Glad you all had a good day and kept in TM's good books. You did make me chuckle about chasing the partridge from the pear tree!

    Have a good weekend. Enjoy the F1 racing.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
