Friday 30 October 2020

What's all this Halloween?

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Today is what is known as a Snoozy Day. We were a little late in getting up and the ferrets stayed in bed until we came back from our walk this morning. This Autumn thingy is a little dismal, OK, we know the leaves turn pretty colours but that doesn't last long and they end up all sort of squashy under your paws, well that and the muddy bits! 

Being that today is Friday, all the dustbins are put out ready for the Bin Mento take away, you know it's a pity Old Two Legs won't let us do a serious sniff on all the rubbish, I mean, even at a distance Holly can sniff edible stuff in the bags!

There was a time when the Two Legs would put out the rubbish on a Thursday night and the foxes would have a super time ripping the bags open and scattering the contents all over the place!

Come lunchtime the ferrets were still fast asleep in their cuddle cup so we left them and headed off to the beach!

OTL got the camera out and positioned himself so that the Two Trees, Bench and Poo Bin turned into One Tree, Bench and Poo Bin!

It's OK, the tree hasn't been chopped down, it's just OTL trying to show off!

As we headed down to the sea wall, we saw a couple of rooks picking away at the worms and they called out that on All Hallows they would come and tap on our windows and call out OOooooOO! just to scare us!

Holly and I thought they were going a bit potty until Holly remembered that we had seen some pumpkins carved to look like horrible faces and there were big spiders in the windows of some of the houses we pass on our way out.

Yeah, like are we scared of the spiders?

Mind you, these TL's reckon that tomorrow night there will be Ghosts and Goolies flying about and scaring everyone!

Like, are we scared? No way, we've got an Eric and he can sort them all out!

On our walk we only get sniffs of other woofers and the occasional foxes but noting edible, except grass!

When we got home all the rubbish had been collected and the bins put back in their place ready for next week.

Back home after a walk, come on OTL we have both left a chew just inside the door!

See you tomorrow and don't forget the Spiders and Goolies!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. I decided not to go out today cos it's been raining, and there might be ghosties and goolies around wot don't know the date. I don't do spiders, I'll set my mum and my boy on them if they try to bother me. It's been another cold grey day here so I've been snoozing and staying nice and cosy indoors. My boy disappointed me and didn't let me go and snuggle with him this morning, he said I make too much noise and I won't go to sleep ...... how mean is that. I bet those ferrets had a really nice lay in, in the warm, it's way too cold to go out these days. Nice pictures today, loved the ones of you and Holly chops. Holly chops is a good sniffer dog like me, we can always sniff out scoff. Listen, if them ghosties and goolies bother you, just get Mrs TM to chase them on her broomstick, like wot I get my mum to do. Take care all and have a good evening, was nice seeing Mrs TM's video by the way. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
