Wednesday 4 November 2020

A Sunny Day

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, today has been one of those days when nothing much has happened!

We were up at the normal time and looking out of the window we spotted some frost on the grass. Not the best thing to see!

We took Eric out with us for a trip around the golf course and he had great fun digging in the sand bunkers pretending he was chasing rabbits!

It took a while to get all the sand off his fur as the sand was damp and of course it stuck to him!

No more news from our engineer man who was going off to look for a new alternator for the big car. With all this shutting down it looks like the menders will be shut down for at least four weeks starting with tomorrow and no one will get their car repaired!

Lunchtime we headed off to the beach and were pleased to see that there was not a single cloud in the sky!

It makes a nice change to see all the way to the horizon! Now this is all OK but with no clouds that means the temperature will be low tonight, unless the clouds come back!

Looking over to Sheerness we see that the rig RAN is still parked up. We can see it from our morning walk if we look around the bushes by the football field, so we should get a little warning, if it decides to leave in the morning.


 You know, we will miss it when it goes, all we will look at will be the container ships!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it was very cold here this morning, my little toes got covered in frost when I went for me first wee, I didn't really want to go out but my mum made me. Then a bit later she said about going for a walk and she got my collar .... well I ran into the living room and hid on the sofa, she said I had to go out cos it wasn't raining. I had to give up when she chased me and caught me and put my collar on. Ooooh it was cold but if I stuck to the pavements it wasn't so bad. We've had quite a quiet day inside in the warm doing a few little jobs. Shame the fixer didn't have the part for the big car, paws crossed he can find one quick and sort it out. We were expecting a gas chap on Friday to service our boiler but they've had to put it off for a week, my mum says, sods law our boiler might break in this cold weather, knowing our luck .... paws crossed it doesn't. You will miss that big thing when it goes, there will be a big space where it is. Good to hear Eric went out but if I was him, being as how he's only got little legs, I'm not sure I would want to be out near the cold grass. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
