Monday 2 November 2020

Shaved and Shampoo'd!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, you all know that the ferrets have to have their claws trimmed 'cos they live their lives in a cage and there is nothing to wear their claws down. It's the same with us woofers but we do get a little bit of wear on our claws but not enough, so we get our claws trimmed.

OK, nothing too bad there, even though I hate my claws being clipped, I put up with it and do my best to show off enough to let Old Two Legs and the vet know I hate it!

Getting a haircut is all down to breeding, the closer to a 'Real Dog' you are means you have fur which falls out at the end of Summer and around Spring time. I remember a Bozo Labrador telling me of the fun it is leaving all his fur over the furniture.

However, having a shampoo is not normal, it doesn't do you any good and it makes you sniff like a Tart and that's not the edible variety!

Today we got Shampoo'd and Shaved!

Holly put up a good fight and spent most of the time sitting on her butt so OTL couldn't get to her undercarriage with the blower or the shaver!

I did something similar but with me it's a continuous fidget! 

In the end it was OTL who won!

Eric took one look at us both and laughed his tail off cos although he has hs claws trimmed, he moults and leaves his hair all over the place!

 I really don't like the thought of a shampoo but what is worse is having your butt shaved!

The Whizz Bangs are going off, Holly is not a happy puppy so we are off to cuddle up to OTL!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well wot can I say, I agree with you and Holly chops 10 hundred per cent. No woofer should be shampooed, no woofer should have the indignity of being shaved. That's just plain mean and cruel and I 20 100 hundred per cent agree with you that you have to wriggle and fidget and try to fight these TL's off that try to do that and cut your claws. I think we should start a petition up Daisy. Smashing picture by the way. Now Eric shouldn't laugh, if he laughed at me I think I might be tempted to nip his tail. We've had loads of whizz bangs going off round here and on Saturday night, my mum went to see if she could catch the ratbags who were letting them off and throwing them around, she was going to bite them but she couldn't find them. Me and my mum hope they burn their fingers. Hope Holly chops doesn't get too bothered and has lots of cuddles to help her. It's been really chilly and damp here today, not nice at all so me and my mum have done lots of snuggling. We've got 3 lay ins now, we'll hopefully we've got 3, paws crossed. My mum was laughing at me today cos there was a squirrel sitting in my garden when I went out for a wee, it sat really still thinking I wouldn't see it, but I did, then the chase was on ....... sadly the squirrel managed to get to the fence and climb over, I could almost taste its tail. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
