Saturday 26 December 2020

Boxing Today!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Now, first of all, Old Two Legs is well on the road to recovery after his brush with the electric sniff maker!

He has been sneezing and snorting and generally being a big show off but his nose has stopped dripping and stinging and making funny noises!

It doesn't help that The Missus is still laughing at his misfortune and asking if he needs another hanky!

She can be so cruel sometimes!

We have been out today, over the old golf course and this morning we met up with four big black Labrador woofers! 

I must admit they scared the tail off me but I ran off down another path and managed to escape them. 

Mind you, OTL stood chatting to the Two Legs who was trying to keep them in order!

Holly didn't take too much notice of them and after the normal sniff, she woofed at one and growled at another and they ran off leaving her alone!

It was the same with OTL, these Bozo Woofers came tearing around the corner, woofing and growling but as soon as the saw that OTL wasn't going to be scared off they stopped, turned around and ran back to their TL with their tails between their legs!

It was so funny, well, OTL was laughing his tail off!

It hasn't been so cold or windy today and using his telephoto lens, OTL captured some cattle on the marsh, well the bit that wasn't flooded!

  Not a Heeland Coo to be seen, just the Welsh Dragon!

Tonight, we are getting the bubbly out again and going to watch a DVD, well, once TM has finished her two-hour appearance on the video telling everyone how to muck up more inky cards!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. We've had a lazy day after my mum got home from work, now she was meant to get up a 5, so she set the alarm, at 5.47 she woke up, noticed the street lights were on so she looked at the clock, well she jumped out of bed like she'd sat on a swarm of bees, ran into the bathroom, went downstairs and shoved me out the door for a wee and just made work for 6 on the dot. She came home feeling really tired and said she just couldn't catch up with herself. This afternoon we had a siesta so we missed Mrs TM live but we have caught up with her now. We heard OTL rustling the sweetie papers. My mum is just about to make a turkey sarnie cos she's too tired to switch the oven on. Anyways, she has to go to work on Monday and then she's off until 8th of January, so she reckons she's going to make up to me all the lay ins I've missed. Listen Daisy, don't worry about other woofers, if they bother you, I'll come down there and bite their butts. Glad to hear OTL has recovered from his sniffing of the stuff yesterday, these wimmin can be very cruel. I've off to guard my mum while she eats her sarnie, make sure that no one mugs her for it and to clear up any crumbs, me being a neat freak of course. Enjoy your evening, take care and stay safe. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the Nippers and Pedro. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
