Wednesday 23 December 2020

It's been wet, again!

 Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

We were up early this morning, all ready to go out for a fun walk across the old golf course.

Well, that was the idea but instead when we stuck our noses out of the front door, it was raining.

It rained all the way around the golf course and across the football field and we got wet, very wet, in fact even Old Two Legs got very wet!

We have spent most of the time cuddled up to OTL's feet under his desk as he makes clicking the keys on the computer keyboard that keeps waking us up!

Lunchtime came and out we went again but when we got to the front of the drive, Holly headed towards the car, 'cos it's raining, and refused to walk towards the football field and instead pointed her nose towards the car!

Unfortunately, at the moment, we are in Tier-4, so that means Keep Away from Everyone!

That also includes woofers, cats, rabbits and Two Legs. Now that is a bit of a pain in the butt but it looks like OTL isn’t taking any chances, so, we walk across the football field and the old golf course.

There are of course some benefits, Holly and I make a nuisance of ourselves and The Missus gives us a teeth cleaning chew and when we get fed up with that, we then get a rawhide chew followed by some Chewy Chicken Strips!

What's the point of being a woofer if you can't be crafty!

See you all tomorrow when we hope the rain will be somewhere else!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. We've had lots of rain here too today. I refused a walk, I don't do wet and it was very wet. My mum made me get up when it was still dark and she gave my boy a lift to work when it was still dark. She came home and did the washing and ironing, then she was going to empty and clean the chip fryer but when she got it out of the cupboard, she found she had already done it and hadn't used it since the last time she cleaned it, so that was a bonus and cos she had some time free, we went and had a nice siesta. My mum went and got some bread to last us until Saturday and another packet of smoked salmon cos she's eaten the pack she bought the other day .... wot a piggy and she got some bubbly from her boss as a pressie, so we're all set and my boy is working tomorrow but when he comes home, we'll all be waiting for Santa Paws to call. I saw my little mate Buster today, he was being made to go out for a walk in the rain, I must have a word with him next time I see him and tell him how to refuse to walk in the wet. I think Holly chops has got the right idea, go for a walk in the car instead. Glad you've managed to find a way to get the treats. Take care and stay safe and have a nice snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Joining you in Tier 4 on Boxing Day!

    Wishing you as good a Christmas as poss xxx
