Friday 11 December 2020

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you today!

Well, the weather is still as depressing as it's been for the last few days, not the most inspiring!

The good thing is, today the F1 racing has been on the TV and we keep sneaking out of the office to watch it!

Lunchtime it brightened up a little, the sun poked it face out from behind the clouds but didn't stay long!


 The drilling rig RAN is still there! I mean, just how long before they sail it off into the sunrise?

Just to be different, Holly and I let Old Two Legs go wandering off on the top path while Holly and I took the middle path!

  Do you think he can see us?

 It was fun walking along, enjoying the sniffs without OTL keep calling us!

As we got close to the top of the hill where we drop down into the forest, we spotted some Two Legs walking out to The Fort in the middle of the Medway. OK, so it's going towards low tide but walking across the mud?

Some of these TL's are just potty!

 Now, we have had a delivery addressed to us, Holly, Daisy, Wendy and Eric!

We have had a sniff and can sniff Archie Babe! We wanted to open it and see what's inside but The Missus says we have got to wait until Christmas before we can open it.

You know, she can be a right old misery sometimes!

So, all we can do is to say thank you very much and once we are allowed to open the parcel, we'll let Archie Babe know if he would have enjoyed the nibbles and stuff!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. I'm pleased to hear your parcel has arrived safely. Now you're not allowed to guess wots in it, you have to be surprised on Christmas day and go ....... ooooohhhhh and lick your lips. I gave it extra kisses for you and Holly chops. Nice pictures again today, now I don't think I would want to be walking along the middle of a river, I mean the tide might come rushing in and before you know it, you're all wet. It hasn't been very nice here today either, it's been very dull, damp and chilly. I had a nice snooze with my mum at lunchtime, we decided to have a siesta. Maybe that big rig thingy is going to stay there for Christmas. Take care all and have a nice warm snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
