Tuesday 8 December 2020

Still foggy but no Fog Horns!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, there has been a bit of a change in the weather today. The thick fog has gone, well most of it. We couldn't see very well this morning 'cos Old Two Legs fell out of bed again this morning and woke us up at the same time!

It was dark when we wandered around the Old Golf Course and both Holly and I thought we saw a rabbit but it turned out to be a bunch of weeds!

You know, we haven't seen any rabbits for some time, they might have moved away!

Lunchtime we could see the sea but it wasn't as clear as we would like but at least we could see the horizon and a couple of ships!

First there was one of the ferry boats heading off to The Hague.

There was another ship out there but it wasn't moving so they must be parked up until the fog lifts!

Remember yesterday when we couldn't see the fort let alone the drilling rig! Well today the fog had lifted and we could see the rig, and the fort!

Look! There's the fort and the rig!

Now then, remember those three young silver birch trees with the golden yellow leaves? Well,just look at them now, not a leaf to be seen!

Not a leaf to be seen, until Spring!

The path back to the car park still had some leaves on the trees but they were disappearing fast! On top of that, the path was getting muddier every time we walk along the path!

Well, at least we can see if there are any woofers hiding behind the trees!

When we left to go out The Missus started to do her video and we stretched out the walk to an hour and a half but she was still messing about when we got back!

It's bad when you get home after a hard run along the sea wall and you get banned from going in doors!

Finally, we got in and we headed off to the bedroom for a well-deserved snooze, that was until OTL got his lunch, it was then that we tried to get some nibbles but OTL was hungry and we didn't see a crumb!

Just wait until he starts with the 'C'mon Girls, Walkies in the rain', he can walk on his own!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well now, I think you and Holly chops and OTL should all go on strike, fancy banning you all from the house, it's not on and I'll tell my mum to have a word. It's too cold to leave a pair of woofers out in the cold. My mum got up quite early, did the washing then headed off to the shops, when she got home I sent her up the post office with a couple of parcels and then when she got back I decided I would put my nose out the door and go for a walk. We delivered some Xmas cards while we were out, but I was getting a bit bored half way round, then my mum said we needed to go to Busters house, then Storms house and the Alfie puggles house, so I carried on. I'm glad I'm not a postman. It was quite foggy here this morning but by lunch time it was only misty, but it has been really cold again. My mum has been sorting out her crafting magazines and got rid of some, she says she's trying to make space for an Xmas tree ...... now that would save me having to go in the garden when it rains, I could just cock my leg up in the warm. Nice pictures again today, butm you know wot my favourite one is. I think you'll have to move the bed by the wall so OTL can't keep falling out. Take care all and have a nice warm snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
