Tuesday 12 May 2020


Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

After yesterday’s high wind and freezing temperatures what do we get today?

Yep! Breezes and Sunshine!

It has made a nice change!

We had our walk around the football field first thing this morning and had to listen to a couple of Cuckoo's having a singing contest. Well, actually it was a couple of males chasing each other over the trees trying to scare each other off and attract a female at the same time!

You know, there is something about the Cuckoo's call that gets right up my tail and I just have to let off a few woofs!

Lunchtime was better, we headed off to the beach with the possibility of a deep paddle and a roll in a sniff!

Just look at that and sniff the sniffs!
 I think that Old Two Legs was listening to Holly and I discussing sniffs and paddles 'cos he turned off the path and away from the sea!

He can be right sneaky sometimes!

Drinkies but they've eaten the sandwiches!
 Not so many Two Legs out today but we did see Bob who is a big Staffy that just loves OTL!

Mainly because OTL throws his toy for him to chase!

We saw some buttercups and there was one that took OTL's eye and 'Click', that's another in the bag!

If you stick this under your chin you can see if you like butter!
 See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it sounds like you've had a really nice day. I heard OTL plinking away on his banjo when Mrs TM was flinging the glue and I heard her say my name. You know she's quite right, in my eyes OTL can do no wrong, I just loves OTL, he's my sort of TL. Now I was getting a tad bored this afternoon so I had a think and do you know wot I thunk? Well I decided it would be nice to have a ride out in the car. Well blow me down if when I went in the garden, along came this bee and do you know, it bit me, it bit me on the foot. Now wot was it doing on the ground, that's wot I want to know, bees is supposed to be flying, that's why they've got wings you know. Well I wouldn't let my mum look at my paw so she rang the vet for some advice, well I reckon they were missing me so they told my mum to take me down there and they would have a look. Well my mum had been planning a short siesta but as you know, when I say jump, my mum says how high. So off we went. Well they were very happy to see me, which of course they would be. I sat like such a good boy while they examined my paw. Well the vet phoned my mum and said she couldn't find the sting and my paw wasn't overly swollen so she reckoned I must have got the sting out myself, now aren't I clever. So while I was there she checked out my butt and clipped my nails cos I don't like my mum doing them. They let me go out to my mum and were saying wot a good boy I am ...... of course we all knew this. So now I'm home, my mum says she wants half an hour peace and quiet so me and my boy are on our own while she goes and sits in the garden. I really don't know wot she's got to complain about, I mean, it's not every TL wots got a good and brave boy like me. It was very nice hearing Mrs TM give me a mention today, that made my ears prick up. Nice pictures today. I think I'm quite worn out now with all the excitement this afternoon so I think I'll go have 40 winks while my mum does something useful, like the dishes, cook tea, a bit of hoovering and dusting maybe. Anyways, take care and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  3. Great shot of the trees and sea OTL. Glad you all had a nice day.

    Sounds like Archie got a shout-out from TM too. Haven't seen today's glue flinging video yet!

    Lovely day here . . . Much better than yesterday's howling winds.

