Wednesday 20 January 2021

Happy Birthday Miss Wendy!

Hi Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

Yes, another year has passed for Miss Wendy and today is her birthday! Looking at the records, Old Two Legs keeps those! Miss Wendy came to us January 2016 and we recon she was around one year old, so we reckon she is around six years old!

It is difficult to get her exact age as she came from the Harrietsham Ferret Rescue but she has been a kind and cuddly little ferret, never once biting OTL, mind you, she has taken the odd lump out of the ferrets she has shared a cage with!

When she came to us, she had a kink in her tail and an ear that was wrinkled plus one brown canine tooth!

Not that it caused her any problems, she would shout and scream at her mate in the cage until they realised that she was in charge! 

Nowadays she behaves like a little old lady, wobbling along, heading off to get her share of the dog biscuits and demolish the lactose free milk in the dog bowl!

She loves doggy treats, especially the Chewy Chicken Strips, mind you, so does Eric and Holly and me!

When we go on holiday, she loves a run on the sand and always has a go at digging a hole in the sand, it's the same when we go down to the beach at Grain. Mind you, she doesn't go in swimming!

During the winter time she stays in the house and enjoys curling up in a box of pinnies and a warm cuddly blanket she pinched off Holly and I this past Christmas!

We made up a birthday song and tried to sing it in 'Ferret' which made her laugh so much she wee'd herself!

Happy Birthday to Wendy,

Her tail is so Bendy

Her butt is so wobbly

It wiggles like Holly!


Mind you, it's not as big as Holly's!

Both ferrets had to visit the vet today, I mean, what a terrible thing to happen to a ferret on her birthday!

OTL took the pair of them and the vet stabbed them while they were having a slurp of Ferretone!

Still, they won't need another jab until next year!

While they were there, they picked up our worming tablets. Now these things are the size of a dustbin lid, I mean, you could use them as a giant frisbee!

OTL is going to have some fun trying to get them down my throat!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well happy birthday to Wendy, happy birthday to you, you do lots of small poo. Happy birthday dear Wendy, happy birthday to you. Shame about getting stabbed on your birthday but I spose it keeps nasty bugs away. I know wot you mean about worming tablets..... I spose they have to be big so that when you swallow them, they go down and whack the worms on the head and kills them stone dead. Hasn't it been a miserable day today, wind, rain and more wind. I don't like it. My boy has gone to work, he didn't wake me up this morning and I did manage a real good lay in, in fact, it was the best lay in I've had in years, it was 8.45 when me and my mum woke up. We were all nice and snuggly. We've done a few little jobs today and then we watched Mrs TM demonstrating her rollers. I think we'll be having an early night cos we really enjoyed being snuggled in bed, specially when the weather outside is so horrible. Take care and stay safe and have a warm, snuggly evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the Nippers and Pedro. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy birthday to Wendy xxx

  3. Happy Birthday Miss Wendy .. you are such a sweetheart xx
