Thursday 18 February 2021

Another Snoozy DAy!

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

Holly Dog got herself into trouble this morning, on our way around the old golf course she found a really good sniffy pile to roll in and came up with a real stinker of sniff all over her back and sides!

As you would imagine, Old Two Legs was not a happy puppy and made sure that Holly was marched up stairs and into the shower!

She got washed, showered, sloshed and sploshed until all of the sniff was removed!

Holly Dog was not a Happy Puppy but, in the end, she was clean!

Lunchtime we were down the sea side and OTL was keeping a close eye on Holly to make sure she didn't find another sniff to roll in!

Looking at the Two Trees you can see that they are going to be bald for some time, a bit like OTL!

No, Not bald, just free of hair!

The rig has got a new radio, we know that 'cos the program shows the RAN as a bit biger than the ships that plough up and down the rivers!

With a new radio it may be on the move soon?

Another view from the hill in the forest.

We had used the big car today, just to give it some exercise and top the battery up. The back seats were down and Holly and have the run of the back. Mind you, I like standing up on the back seats and looking out the front window.

From that position I can also stick my nose in OTL's eat if I want to point out something ahead of us!

Mind that car on the left!

Back home again, we spent the afternoon snoozing under the office desk while OTL was plonking away on the computer, boring or wot!

We loved reading about Archie Babe installing the new washing machine, engineer or wot?

Bye for now!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Way to go Holly chops, I'm proud of you for finding a really sniffy sniff and taking some back home to share with the ferrets. These TL's just don't realise how important it is to share sniffs. Shame OTL didn't appreciate it and washed it off, I can imagine how upset poor Holly was. I went for a walk late this afternoon on account of it raining all morning but my mum insisted we went out this afternoon when it stopped. It was still quite chilly and I wasn't really amused at being dragged round when I prefer to be snuggled up on the sofa. I didn't see any of my woofer mates, I reckon they had too much sense to go out in the cold. Last night my boy just got home from work and luckily my mum had his scoff ready for him, when he got a phone call asking him to go back to work cos the plumbing chaps needed to do some work. My boy just had time to eat his scoff and then back he went and he had to stay there all evening and got home very late. Now I reckon wotever the problem was, me and my mum could have sorted it a lot quicker. I'm getting very good and engineering you know, I watch when ever someone comes to do a job and sometimes I watch on the telly too. My boy has got a few days off now so maybe he'll let me snuggle with him when my mum goes to work tomorrow and Saturday, I mean, he let me snuggle with him last week and he didn't complain for long about me singing to him. Smashing pictures today. Well I'm off to put my paws up until bedtime. Take care and stay safe all and have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
