Friday 12 February 2021

Don't touch the Yellow Snow!

 HI Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

It was sad that we missed the sunrise this morning, there we were trying to get Old Two Legs out of bed but he was too lazy to get up and so we only got the last bit of the sunrise.

  Maybe tomorrow we will catch it!

 Mind you, I did make up for missing the sunrise, instead I managed get a good roll in the snow and on top of a particularly whiffy sniff!

 Get some of that!

 Holly Dog has been working on her begging look, you know, that look that says 'Give Some More Chicken Nibbles'!

She reckons that she will be able to not only hear the bag being opened from fifty paces but OTL will give her twice the amount, all without her saying a thing!

  Look into my eyes!

 It's funny how Holly keeps on looking out for the yellow snow, that's mainly 'cos OTL keeps talking about it and saying that it belongs to a monster wot lives under the snow!

We think that OTL is cracking up really!

 Still no yellow snow!

 Shame that the snow is melting during the day. It won't be long before it all fades away into muddy quagmire and all we end up with is four very muddy paws!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well don't know wot it's like down your way but here it's been really, really cold. It would take yer eyebrows off it's so cold. My mum trundled off to work this morning in the pitch black, she said she was freezing. The jam jar went off for it's MOT and service while she was away. Thankfully the jam jar is back home and passed the MOT, so my mum said that's a big relief. Lovely pictures today, do you know, if Holly chops looked at me with those eyes, I might be tempted to give her some of my scoff. You must look out for the yellow snow, OTL is quite right but the monster doesn't live under the snow, it lives, lurking behind the trees. I think OTL was pulling your tail Daisy. I haven't been out for a walk today, I've just been in the garden when I was really desperate to go, it's way too cold for me to venture away from my sofa and blanket. My boy is off this weekend so maybe he'll snuggle with me in the morning when my mum goes to work then we can have a wrestle when I've finished singing songs. Take care and stay safe all and have a nice warm snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
