Sunday 14 February 2021

Snoozy Sunday!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, today has been a super day, just the sort of Sunday we enjoy. I mean, we got up late after a super long sleep last night. It was cold outside but at least it hadn't snowed during the night.

We met up with a couple of woofers but didn't hang about as the sniffs were calling!

Back home we were presented with a bowl full of warm, greasy chicken fresh from the oven!

That went down a treat and after we were let out of the bedroom, after Old Two Legs had finished the ferret cage cleaning, we spend the next two hours on our mat with our paws in the air!

The lunchtime walk was about the same, I got chased around the old golf course by a couple of noisy woofers who look like they don't get out much!

Needless to say, I was miles ahead of them and circumnavigated the course and was back to meet OTL and Holly before they got to the entrance again!

As OTL says, Brains over Brawn will always win out!

It wasn't so cold today but there was a breeze blowing that kept the temperature down.

Back home we were presented with one of our favourite rawhide chews and spent a couple of hours giving them a good mullering!

It seems that The Missus has spent all day making video's or gassing to her mates on the computer, pausing only to tell us all to 'Keep Quiet' while she is recording, she is such a Diva!

I've not seen the weather forecast for tomorrow but we are crossing our claws that it will be warmer!

That's it for today, we have had a gentle, gentle Snoozy Sunday, just like we like!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. I'm glad to hear you had a good Sunday. I had a good day too. I went for a walk a bit later again, I like to give the pavement a chance to warm up before I go out. I met little Alfie, we had a good sniff and a chat about where the best sniffs are. It's still very cold here and it's started to rain now. Both my mum and my boy are at work in the morning, so for a little while I'll be doing some guarding. We've all had a nice lazy day, a bit snoozy at times as well cos there's nothing like having a siesta on a chilly dull day. OTL will have to sort out them woofers wot chase you and tell them off. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM flinging her glue, we both enjoyed it. Now we're going to have a lazy evening in the warm. Take care all and stay safe and have a nice warm snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx extra xxxxxxxx's for valentines day to my 2 favourite girls. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sounds like a super Sunday to me.
    Happy. PAL-entines Day to you all!!!!!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. I’m not a Diva Daisy .. well ... not all the time ! Xx
