Hello Woofers!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!
Well, it has been another sunny day and the box of screws arrived after our lunchtime walk. Old Two Legs got started straight away and was waving the glue gun around just like The Missus does when she is making cards and stuff!
Eric came with us at lunch time and raced along the sandy beach and even ran along the sea wall just like Snowflake used to do!
Catch me if you can!
When we got down the hill we went onto the grass and Eric was running all over the place dooking his tail off!
I'm a sneaky ferret and you can't catch me!
If the grass was any taller, he would have disappeared into the undergrowth but as it had just been cut, we could still see his butt above the grass!
Bet you can't see me now!
Back home OTL finished the roof vents but got glue all over his hands. Now, this glue is a special glue that not only sticks but acts as a sealant to stop the rain from coming into the caravan if we are on site or driving along the road.
OTL has been scrubbing and scrubbing and picking at the glue but it seems not to want to come off!
Good fun but at least the vents are installed and the other jobs are all inside the van!
Bye for now.
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.