Tuesday 30 March 2021

A Sunny Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Wot a super day!

It's been blue skies and no wind all day! Old Two Legs decided he would play with his tilt/shift lens which is a strange camera lens that made the new super camera act like an old fashion large format box camera.

The focus goes from right in front of you right up to the horizon. Only problem is, it's a pig to set up and you really need a tripod to hold it steady while you fiddle with the control knobs to get the focus right!

Boring but if you know what you’re looking at, rather impressive!

This is the first one he took; you can see the fence on the right is in focus and yet Holly's butt is in focus as well!

Getting into the scrub, again the focus goes from front to back.

We came across a good example of focusing and also it shows that OTL was sitting on the bottom pole and trying to stop himself from slipping off!

That pole was very rusty and left a brown mark on his jacket!

Look you can see all the way down that tunnel!

Walking alongside the sea wall the water was calm and it looked just right for a long-distance photo!

It was when we got to the hill, OTL turned around and decided that it was worth another landscape shot!

We got back home to find that the screws still hadn't arrived. Now we know it was posted on Friday and even by second class it should have arrived today but the postman had come and gone and still no screws!

The weather man is forecasting a cold weekend so OTL wants to have the new roof vents installed before the cold weather sets in!

Today Eric said he wanted to come with us at lunch time but when we were ready to go, Eric was fast asleep!

So much for exercise!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it's been sunny and warm here today as well. I went for an early walk and only saw one woofer her name is Pip, I don't know her very well but her TL did offer me a biscuit, but my mum said no cos of my tummy ....... tsk, sometimes I wonder why I bring my mum on my walks. Well she's been at it again today, down comes the boy about lunchtime and off they go to the kitchen ...... he sits down and she starts grooming him with the clippers ........ I have to have a bath before I get clipped, I get blasted with a hot air thing when I get clipped, I get brushed before I get clipped ...... he just sits down and away she goes with the clippers ........ no BATH!!!!! Now I'm getting the serious hump here, I'm being neglected!! I'm considering packing up my stuff and putting it in my Kong wobbler and leaving. I could come down to you and Holly chops ......... wot a good idea. Smashing pictures today, well done OTL. Sorry to hear the screws didn't arrive and I'll keep my paws crossed they arrive tomorrow. Well I spose I better go and get my scoff. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fabulous pictures OTL .. l’m well
    Impressed with the long shot focusing !

    Archie your mum needs sorting out ... Daisy and Holly says yes ... she is neglecting you so come on down ans live with us ... you can bring that knobby thing too !

  3. Thanks Mrs TM, I knew you'd let me come down there ....... I'll try not to drop my wobbler on your toes :) Now, I like to be near the top end of the bed and I like to be snuggled when I go to sleep and I like my little blanket on me ..... make sure no one moves during the night cos I don't like to be disturbed and I like a bowl of water in the room in case I get thirsty :) I'll see you soon and bring a full list of dos and don'ts so you can all get it right ...... Luvs you all, little Arch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
