Monday 15 March 2021

The Froggies would a Bonking go!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Another one of those 'Changeable' days!

You know, rain, cloud and rain and a little bit of sunshine!

It's alright, we got out early this morning and missed the early rain. 

Old Two Legs said he would take us out at lunchtime to go to the tip and also have a walk around the old forest 'cos we haven't been there for ages!

Looking out of the rear window onto the garden pond we could see the froggies indulging in the yearly rut, well that's what OTL calls it but The Missus says it's just Froggies Bonking!

They are all going at each other but when OTL opens the kitchen door it's just like a Jacuzzi going into hyper mode!  

Once OTL has finished in the garden, the froggies are back again and Bonking like it's going out of date! 

Eleven thirty arrived and OTL loaded up the old satellite stuff into the boot of the big car and then us!

The tip was almost empty but we had to arrive 'by appointment' so we don't catch that Covid thingy!

Once that lot was unloaded it was off to the forest!

We haven't been to the forest for a couple of years and it has changed, loads of new paths and a few more trees have fallen over.

Hey, your roots are showing!

Being such a popular place, there were loads of woofers running around and of course, we all had a sniff!

Hello, haven't sniffed you before!

It was good to see that the Daffodillies hadn't been picked like wot they have done around our end of the world!

So much more pretty when they are left in the ground!

The path wasn't as wide as this the last time we came here!

It was in this forest that we saw loads of squirrels, or as Old Two Legs called them, Tree Rats!

Well, we kept an eye on the tree tops but there were none to be seen, maybe it's too early in the year for them to be running around.

Well, there's none down here.

..........and there's none up here!

We kept looking as we went through the forest and at times, we even tried climbing over the fallen tree trunks. Holly used to try climbing up the trees if they were leaning over but she is getting old and her tree climbing days are not so easily done nowadays!

Yeah! OK, so I'm a little slow as well!

We made our way back to the car and then back home again. After lunch we all had a snooze, it was a long way around the forest paths and my legs were a little tired!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Sounds like you had a good visit to the forest. We've got lots of squirrels here, I spend most of my time chasing them out of my garden, then they start using bad language to me when they sit up the tree and try to wait for me to go back in. Smashing pictures today, it is nice to see that no one has stolen the daffodillies. Me and my mum were up very early and the nice thing is, that we can have lay ins now for the next 3 days. I've got an appointment tomorrow to get my butt checked but that's not until mid-day so I still don't have to get up too early. We've had quite a bit of rain, not so much wind but it has been very cold. I'm looking forward to getting into bed and having a good snuggle with my mum tonight, mind, we had a snuggle mid morning on the sofa cos my mum reckons 4 days on the trot of getting up early and going to work has made her cream crackered. I haven't seen any frogs in my garden, I've seen some pigeons giving each other piggy backs and the squirrels seem to be going double deckered. Take care and stay safe, stay away from that covid stuff and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Super photos of your forest trip. The froggies in your garden are clearly not bashful!!!! XX
