Saturday 3 April 2021

It's a good Saturday!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now then, we have been out on our normal walk and can confirm that it's getting colder and the wind is getting stronger and it's great!

Old Two Legs was saying that if it was sunny then there would be loads of people out getting fresh air and spreading that Covid stuff around, but, because of the cold, the Two Legs have been staying at home and watching the football on the TV.

First thing this morning we saw no one on the old golf course, no one!

Not a Woofer to be seen!

 You know, it was just the same down on the sea front, loads and loads of nothing!

It was almost lonely on the sea front!

 There was one bad thing, a couple of the local 'erberts, as OTL calls them were riding their motorcycle along the paths, at speed!

OTL took a number of pictures hoping that there was a licence plate on the back but they hadn't got around to fitting one. 

So, that means it's not registered with the DVLA, plus the MOT is not valid, no insurance and no road tax. OTL reckons that they more than likely they don't have a driving licence either!

  Dangerous, stupid and anti-social.

 Where they were riding normally has woofers, Mini Two Legs and TL's walking!

AS OTL said, it's a pity there were no identifying marks or clear shots of their faces, then he could print up some pictures and hand them to the local police!

Snow is coming and it's possible we will see some before the Easter is over!

Crampons and Snow Shoes?

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. It's been very chilly here today, my mum said she wasn't going out after she got home from work cos she feels very chilly. I snuggled up with my boy when he came home from work, so when my mum came home, she didn't have me to snuggle with to warm her up. I woke up again at scoff o clock for my lunch and my mum had my scoff ready and waiting for me ..... usually I have to snap my paws and tell her to get a move on. My boy went off to work this afternoon and we won't see him until tomorrow morning when I'll be busy snoozing with my mum. My mum reckons it's worth sending that picture to the local police cos they might know who the anti social oiks are and might just need to see a picture of them in the act. We hope they fall off and break the bike before they hurt some poor TL or woofer. I really don't feel like having more snow and neither does my mum cos we've got a very busy week next week with lots of places to go for appointments. My mum hates driving on icy roads. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
