Friday 14 May 2021

Hello Woofers!

 Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

After yesterday’s rain it was a treat to have just grey clouds and no rain!

Eric came out with us this morning and walked a little further than normal but not too far!

The first bit of the walk is where he wraps his tail around his backside and just looks around at all that is going on, then he climbs up Old Two Legs leg and into his arms!

Half way around he is put down and after a slow start, gallops around the rest of the golf course and across the football field and back indoors where he knows there are treats, milk and Chicken Strips to look forward to!

He and Wendy enjoyed a rampage around the house but soon fell asleep under some furniture, surrounded by squeaky toys and Erics favourite toy, a rubber Dumbbell! 

Lunchtime The Missus decided she would come with us down to the beach but getting out of the car she walked into a stiff breeze, so up went the coat hood, on went the woolly hat and then the woolly gloves!

What a Wimp!

Instead of the normal fleet of container ships we saw just one little boat type thingy sploshing away on a dropping tide! 

Holly reckons it was some sort of working boat!

OTL was looking for bugs and stuff but because it was colder and windy the bugs were in hiding and the only thing he found was this caterpillar


  I wonder if those hairs are nasty?

 Holly and I do love the first bit of the walk 'cos it's the first place us woofer stop for a wee and a sniff!

  After the first bit the sniffs tail off but still enjoyable!

 Looking at the weather forecast it looks like grey skies for this weekend and half of next week so OTL is planning to wash and polish the caravan with a special mop disc.

Tomorrow we expect to see the three hooligans that have booked in for a week’s stay.

Now, it is going to be fun going out for a walk, how will OTL manage five woofers?

We will see!

Bye for now.

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well the weather has been horrible here today, so I decided I would stay snuggled up on the sofa and have a snooze with my mum when she got home from work. My boy has the weekend off so I'm looking forward to a few wrestles. I hope them hooligans don't act up too much when they come to stay, now don't forget my tips on keeping your scoff and OTL's lap away from them. Eric is a very brave little ferret to go out in this weather. I'll see wot the weather is like tomorrow and if there's no rain, I'll go for a sniff around the block but if it's raining, I'm staying put in the warm and dry. Make sure you get a good nights snooze tonight cos I'm sure you'll have your paws full keeping them hooligans in check. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all, (make sure there are no hidden chews where them hooligans can sniff them out). Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Rain rain go away, come back another day!
    Have fun with your playmates next week!!!!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
