Saturday 5 June 2021

It wasn't sticky enough in the corner!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

First things first, Old Two Legs has asked the vet to take loads of money off him, in other words, Eric has an appointment to see the vet on Monday morning about his lump on his leg.

OTL has been doing some serious looking and decided that the lump is not part of his paw but rather a lump caused by a thorn off a bramble bush or it could even be a scratch that has gone septic.

When OTL touches the lump, Eric doesn't jump about or act as though it is sore or hurts, so, maybe an injection of anti-biotic stuff may cure him.

Now, as you all know, yesterday it rained and it rained and it rained. We didn't do too much and got wet in the process!

This morning The Missus pokes her head into the office and says that there is water coming through one of the caravan roof lights.

Now, that is not supposed to happen!

So, after the morning stroll and some cage cleaning OTL set about removing the unit and inspecting it for leaks.

The only thing he could find was a corner where the adhesive looked like it would allow water to pass under the lip of the moulding. So, OTL sets about scraping all the adhesive off and goes to the caravan shop to get some stuff called Mastic Tape.

After sticking this onto the roof light and screwing it down we now wait for next rain to fall to see if his mending works!

This engineering too most of the day and would you believe it, TM took us out at lunchtime and mid-afternoon and again late afternoon!

We like TM taking us for walkies but we don't go to the sea side but around the old golf course again and again and again!

With any luck OTL will be back in charge tomorrow and we will get down to the coast!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well now you can't have a shower from the roof light can you, wot a good job Mrs TM spotted it in time for OTL to fix it cos otherwise you might have been on your holis and got wet. It was very nice of Mrs TM to take you on all those walks today. It's been very hot here today and it was very hot in the night but my boy has sent for a sooper dooper fan wot he's got so that I can have a fan on me in the night wot won't annoy me like the one wot my mum bought last year. I reckon he's an alright chap on account of it costs a lot of his dosh, but I'm worth it. My boy said it's too hot for wrestling at the moment so even when my mum went to get fish and chips, we didn't do any wrestling, we was both very good boys. Eric is being a very good boy as well and very brave cos I know when I've got an ouch somewhere I prefer that TL's don't really touch it unless it's one of the ladies at the vets. Tell OTL he might want to start crying now cos my mum reckons the vets have all upped their bills this last year, my mum is still having the odd cry over my last bill, mind, as she says, I'm worth it. I'll keep my paws crossed that OTL's managed to mend the leak. He could get a watering can and pour water over it just in case it don't rain for a while. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (I'm worth it) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
