Friday 9 July 2021

Butterflies and Goldfish!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

What a day today, The Missus has been watching the tennis games on the TV.

Now, if anyone asked what the most stupid game you could have with a ball it would be tennis!

I mean, someone hits the ball down the field towards the other player and instead of chasing after it, the other player hits it back and invariably issues a big grunt as though they got a stiff poo!

Then the ball gets knocked back, together with grunts and the ball finally goes into a fence half way along the field and mini Two Legs runs from the side and grabs the ball and tries to hide it under a TL sitting on top of a ladder with a seat attached!

So, together with the players grunting, the audience are Ooooing and Aaaaahing plus there is always some silly plonker shouting 'Hit the ball' or 'Pull your knickers up'!

Thank Gawd it doesn't last too long!

Walking around the old golf course we spotted a couple of new butterflies.

Essex Skipper.

We reckon it's and Essex Skipper but there are several versions of this butterfly and the only way of telling them apart is by looking underneath the body or wing and none of them would roll over for us!

The Other butterfly was easier to spot!

Like hell it was!

A Marbled White

You know this wasn't in Old Two Legs 'Book of Butterflies', well it wasn't until he went on the Internetty, found a picture and then went back to the book and instead of being listed as a Marbled White, it was listed in the index as a White Marbled!

The goldfish were easier to photograph, they were al chasing some tiddly flies on the pond!

We've seen bigger ones in the pond!

Waiting for OTL to do his photo's can be a bit boring so what is a puppy to do while waiting for him?

Have a snooze or roll in a sniff!

Now the weekend is here we hope the rain stays away!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. It's funny wot the sun brings out. That wood wasp was back this morning eating a bit of wood in the garden, it's a right noisy chap. The baby frogs are getting bigger and it's fun playing sniff and hop with them, they do tickle my nose when they bump into it when they hop up in the air. Alfie puggle has arrived, we was pleased to see each other at the start, we went round the garden, Alf peed all over the place and then we came in to settle down for a snooze. I'm keeping a close eye on him from the back of the sofa and he's pinched my little spare bed, didn't take him long to make himself at home. My mum isn't getting us up early tomorrow though cos she felt a bit rough this morning so she's told her boss she won't be working, we all need as much zzzz's as we can get. Nice pictures today, well I reckon you and Holly chops have got things right, I mean, if OTL is busy taking pictures and you're getting bored waiting, why not have a nice roll in some sniffs. I know wot you mean about that tennis lark, now there's going to be some chappies on the telly at the weekend, kicking a ball from one end to the other, they ain't seen nuffin, me and my boy and my mum play proper football, it only takes the 3 of us, you don't need any more getting in the way. Take golf as well, pointless, you hit a ball, walk after it and hit it again ..... now everyone knows you should bring the ball back!!!! Wot's with these TL's? THEN you get numpties telling you wot you're seeing, well you know wot you're seeing cos you're watching .......... I wonder about these TL's I really do. Well I better go and poke that Alf cos he's snoring already, I can see I'm going to have a busy week. Take care, stay safe and have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, Alfie puggle and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
