Monday 5 July 2021

Monday, Monday!

 Hello Woofers,

Two blogs today!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, the Internetty thing is back in its kennel and we are back to normal, or something like normal!

The rain has held off and Old Two Legs has been doing some investigating and declares that Holly's poo is back to normal but one poo doesn't make a cure!

Tomorrow will give a better idea!

It was good and warm today and I even got a paddle in the river to cool off my bits!

Now it's getting late the clouds have come back, not like it was this afternoon. You know you could see Southend pier poking out into the Thames!

OTL has been playing with paperwork this afternoon while Holly, the ferrets and I have been enjoying a well-earned snooze!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I've had a well earned lazy day with plenty of snoozes, got to keep my strength up for all the cuddling of the ladies wot I'll be expected to give tomorrow when I spend the morning in the vets. My mum said I've got to have my face washed before I go cuddling ladies but I'm so handsome, they'll be queueing up for cuddles. It's a hard life sometimes, being such a handsome chap. We've had a bit of rain every now and then, but the forecast says it's going to be a tad windy later. Me and my boy had a little bit of time having wrestles, I must say, he did follow the rules but I reckon that was only cos my mum was around to make sure he didn't cheat. I'm pleased to hear Holly's poo is back to normal, these TL's get in such a tizz over our poo, I know my mum inspects every single one. Mind, I do like to give her a variety so she doesn't get bored with the same sort every time. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
