Sunday 11 July 2021

What a day today will be!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Old Two Legs has been telling us all about 1966 when England won the World Cup and the fact, he was sitting in a bar in Austria getting the bar maid to interpret for him!

The locals were not in a good mood when England got the last goal!

Well, I think he may have a beer or two while watching the final today!

There is also the Wimbledon Tennis final today as well but we may be out for a walk when that is on as we still think it's a silly game!

At 14:00hr on the Internetty thingy we get the first flight into space by the Virgin Galactic with Richard Branson. OTL says it's a long way from when he first started up selling mail order music records in an office near Hyde Park Corner!

You know what? OTL can also remember that as well!  

We are quite often amazed at how much OTL can remember!

So, there we are, three things to see on a Sunday and on top of that, we were out walking at lunchtime!

First thing is this funny rose, it sort of looks shredded!

 I wonder if it supposed to be like that?

Being that it looked a bit odd, Holly and I stayed well away from it, you never know with these wild things they could suddenly jump up and bite you!

  I don't care, I'm not going anywhere near it until I know it's safe!

  This one’s OK, we have seen loads of this thing!

 There have been tons of this stuff, a sort of Daisy type of thing!


 It's been an odd sort of results with the 400mm lens, you can't get close and the focusing is a little strange, so, tomorrow we will be taking the Macro Lens 105mm which should be OK for close ups!

 Just to show you how things go wobbly when you use the wrong lens, here is the Two Trees with Bench and Poo Bin, only the Bench and Poo Bin have run away and the tree got chopped off!

 It doesn’t fit!

 So, keeping our claws crossed, we will see you tomorrow!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a funny sort of day ...... my mum was on about she was sitting in a playing field with her mates, listening to the game in 1966 on the radio. Then me and her and Alf were in the garden and she goes and kicks my football, then starts singing a song ....... sealions on my shirt ....... tsk, how silly these TL's are. Me and Alf went in and left her too it. Me and Alf decided to have a siesta this afternoon and then me and my mum watched Mrs TM flinging the glue on account of she don't grunt like the tennis players, mind, Alf snored all the way through it. Smashing pictures today. Them flowers look pretty but not as pretty as you and Holly chops. My mum has been bitten on the hand by some vicious little insect when she was in the garden, she says she hopes the little sod dies of food poisoning. My mum is in a stroppy mood and she says she hopes space keeps Mr Branson, maybe he could start up selling mail order on the moon. We're all going to have a nice lay in again tomorrow on account of my mum not having to get up for work, so perhaps she'll be in a better mood after a good snooze. Has OTL heard back from the exotic vet yet? Take care and stay safe all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, Alf and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
