Sunday 29 August 2021

F1 and sunshine!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

What a day! Being a Sunday, that means an extra half an hour snoozing on the bed!

Yesterday Old Two Legs finished chopping down a rather old and rotten Japonicas plant that regularly grows over next doors garden!

It was decided by The Missus not to get rid of it all but instead to chop it back and then hang bird feeders from the branches that remain.

You know, it filled up two wheelie bins to the top with chopped up branches!

Today OTL had instructions to chop back a few overhanging branches from the tree in our garden.


 Look! Daylight!

If she carries on at this rate, we will be treeless before long! 

It's fun having a snooze on the patio and watching OTL fight the tree!

At the moment, the tree is winning! 

Mind you, the young Goldfinches were getting all big and brave and swooping down to the feeder and ignoring OTL!

OTL Who?

We headed out before the racing started for a run along the sea wall. Now, remember that white plant? Well, this is what it looks like as it closes up into a tight ball.

Well, I think it's a strange looking plant, maybe it's hanging onto its seeds?

We get some strange plants here, remember that Jack Got to Bed at Midday? That closes up at lunchtime!

If you want a belly rub, go and see OTL, not me!

We met up with the three Pugs, you know, the ones that woof like they are gargling custard! Well, one just ran up to me and rolled onto her back.

As if I'm going to tickle her tummy!

It's not only the plants that are strange around here!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I managed a little bit of lay in but not long this morning. Most of the day has been sunny but we did have a couple of showers. Well done OTL for all your pruning, my mum was pruning my boys hair today and the pruners broke half way through, well my boy wasn't a happy chappie, my mum rushed over town to buy some new clippers on account of I said she couldn't use mine, well when she got back and started to use them, you should have heard the french she was using, she's complained bitterly to the makers and has ordered a different make to arrive tomorrow but in the meantime, she found an old pair so my boy can go to work without looking odder than he usually does. I was sitting in the living room laughing my tail off at the pantomime. Now talking of pugs, Alfie puggle is coming next weekend for a week, so I'll have to put up with him yapping like he's gargling custard. They are daft woofers. That plant does look funny all curled up. Glad the birds are liking the work OTL has done. Smashing pictures today. Me and my mum have just been watching Mrs TM flinging the glue, she's getting right good at it. Enjoy the racing. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
