Sunday 1 August 2021

What an F1 Day!

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it's been a lazy Sunday today. The weather has been OK but not the best we have known!

Looking over to Southend you can see what I mean

I don't think you would get a tan under these clouds!
The wild sweet pea plants looked a little more colourful on a grey day than under bright sun light.

You can see how some of the plants have dried up with the past sunshine last month.

There wasn't much to photograph today, the dragonflies were just too high to catch and what was down at ground level was either too small, to fast or too well hidden!

Half way around we paused at one of the benches and Old Two Legs played around with the camera and the flash settings!

OK, flash settings and a tickle on the computer to shove a bit of fill in flash as well!

Back home we managed to get everything done before the F1 Racing begun. It was just as well 'cos there was a big crunch at the first bend and there was crashed cars all over the place. It was good that there was no one injured and it all restarted and from a position of last position, Lewis managed to get back up to third place!

It was a thrilling race and if you ignore all the bitching, I would say it was one of the best races this year!

Now that it is August, they are all going off on holiday and then it'd back again at the beginning of September

Can't wait!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. We've had lots of rain here today. I went for a quick walk and ended up getting fusses from the TL's 2 doors down and then Sonia from across the road came over and she gave me fusses as well. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM flinging the glue again, we do enjoy that on a Sunday afternoon. Smashing pictures today, the best one is of you though Daisy. We didn't see the race, my mum much prefers fisticuff type sports but she reckons if these drivers don't stop crashing into one another they'll be taking up boxing very soon. I have to say I'm glad they don't drive on the road round here, they're always crashing their cars, maybe they should go back to dodgems and hand signals. We all had a nice lay in this morning, I didn't really want to get up I was quite cosy, snuggled up on the bed. My mum and my boy are at work tomorrow which means I'll be working as well cos I have to do guarding until my mum gets home from work. It's a hard life being a woofer at times. Take care, stay safe and have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
