Monday 20 September 2021

A change of Doggy Dins!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

There are times when you get used to a system and someone comes along and boom! 

It all goes wrong!

Take me, I have been having the same Doggy Dins for ages and my tummy was used to the taste and the sniff of it and what I didn't eat during the day I managed to finish off before bed time.

That was all OK until The Missus thought she would try some new stuff. Well, at my mouth end it was OK'ish, the sniff wasn’t too bad and I managed the first few mouthfuls.

However, last night the next part of my digestion system decided it should voice its opinion on the latest feast!

My tum-tum started to rumble and I could feel it bubbling away.

Around five in the morning I woke OTL up to open the bedroom door and I was off to tell The Missus of my problems.

Well, I was out of the house and heading for the field ASAP.

It was one of those ‘Through the Eye of a Needle’ poo’s, you know, straight out and didn’t touch the sides!

Back home I was feeling a little jaded and in need of a rest!

TM now reckons she will dump the new food and go back to the old stuff that my tum-tum can recognize!

OTL has found a car that has taken his fancy, it has enough room for the ferret cage and photographic gear plus there is a soft spot where I can park my bed and snooze all the way up the M1 motorway!

He is making appointments for a test drive, just to make sure he fits behind the steering wheel!

Looking out the window I see the clouds have arrived and I reckon it will be raining before long.

Time for bed!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Oh dear Daisy I do hope you're feeling better, my mum never changes my scoff now on account of there is a very long list of wot upsets my tum and a very short list of wot doesn't ....... apparently I can have oysters and salmon but my mum reckons best not to upset the apple cart or my tum by trying to find out. I hope it didn't burn your butt when it flew out. Glad to hear that OTL has found something he likes and hope the test drive goes well and they don't sell it before he gets there. We've had a lazy day here on account of working this morning and my boy has gone off to the O2 dome type place to watch the wrestling so that means it's peaceful here. My mum's not overly pleased about my boy going but we know how much he enjoys watching so we hope he has a good evening and doesn't pick up any nasty germs. We'll be having a nice lay in tomorrow to make up for missing one today. We haven't had any rain here today which is a bonus although there was some silly people gluing themselves to the road not far from us this morning, my mum was doing a rain dance in the garden and was hoping for a monsoon. Well I'm off to put my paws up before dinner so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum, not my boy cos he ain't here at the mo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
