Thursday 30 September 2021

Chilly this morning!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

I thought that there was something strange yesterday and again this morning. Instead of cuddling up to Old Two Legs back, (it's always nice and warm there), I was in the middle of the bed, stretched out and with my paws in the air.

The heating had come on at six!

Now that was the first time for ages that OTL got a nice warm towel after getting out of the shower. Unfortunately, that is the sign that autumn has arrived, not only are the leaves beginning to drop off the trees but the clouds are here, the rain is here and OTL has even put on his woolly hat!

I can see that soon I will be dressed in my harness to keep the draughts away!

After lunch we headed off to the seaside for a wander, there was no one on the beach at all, which is most unusual, I mean, not even another woofer!

What was worse, there I was in my new haircut and the rain decided to give us another wash!

Mind you, when we got home, I did enjoy a really good snooze for most of the afternoon!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well Daisy it was raining here all morning and some showers this afternoon so I declined the offer to go out even if my mum was going to put my coat on me. Them coats make me itch anyways. Do you know, my mum had deliveries this morning of loads of glue flinging stuff and then this afternoon a chap arrived in a great big van and he had a great big, heavy box. Well there was all this shredded stuff in there and bits dropped down and guess wot............. I caught a sniff of a Daisy woofer and a Wendy and Eric ferret ....... well I got right excited, I thought that you'd all packed yourselves inside and were coming to visit me. My mum unpacked the box and we couldn't find you, but we did find more glue flinging stuff, choccies, drinkies AND WOOFER TREATS, well there I was half way up my mums leg trying to snag myself a treat. My mum was smackgobbed at all the lovely things and then she found that lovely card wot Mrs TM flung the glue at, my mum says thank you to you all and my boy says he's going to share the sweeties and I say, thank you but I'm not sharing my treats. My mums too tight to put the heating on yet, she has it on when she has a bath and then turns it off, she says we will have to wear our jumpers until it gets a bit colder, mind I did snuggle down last night in my nice deep duvet wot my boy brought home from work a few months ago, for me. My boy has a few days off again so we've been having a wrestle now and then. I've decided he can do guard duty tomorrow when my mum goes to work. We've only got to get up early 2 mornings this week and then we're all off on Sunday, so I spose that means my mum will be playing referee when me and my boy have a wrestle. Make sure you take a brolly when you go out Daisy, OTL can hold it over you so you don't get wet. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Very chilly here too. Brrrr! And WET xxx
