Saturday 2 October 2021

Long Time No See!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

What a damp dismal day it's been today. Wasn't so bad first thing but after that it has been rain and rain!

Not that exciting stuff that pours down the gutters and floods the pond but that damp drizzly stuff that lands on your head and ends up making you wet from your ears down to your paws!

Old Two Legs was looking at the weather forecast and saw a 'Window', well, that's what he called it and off we went in the little car for a walk along the sea front before the dark clouds decided to empty their contents on us!

Mind you, we saw a pair of Two Legs in the distance hiding under an umbrella!

 Maybe it's raining over there and hasn't reached us yet?

You never know with the rain down here, I've known it to be raining where we were, then it wasn't a few yards further on and then after that the heavens were opening up!

 Well, it's only just damp here!
 OTL said that he thought he knew the TL's and then from out of the long grass came Barney, we haven't seen him for ages, in fact we almost didn't recognise him, it was only the gangly way he walks made us realise it was him!

We all stopped for a chat and I couldn't help but notice that Barney was looking a bit grey around the muzzle, a sure sign he is getting old!
Never mind my grey hairs, just look at yours!
Now, I'm twelve years old and I'm lucky that my grey doesn't show up, it's just the way I'm built!
We were having a good chat about life and sniffs when the rain started to decend on us and as there wasn't enough room under the brolly for all of us, we headed off to get to the car before we were soaked through to our skin. Mind you, the rain didn't have far to go 'cos my skin wasn't far from my hair!
Listening to the radio we heard that high winds are expected soon, the man said that there was a hurricane out in the Atlantic but it won't reach us.
Hmmmm, that's what the last man said back in 1984!

See you tomorrow.

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well wot a horrible day it's been outside here. It's tipped it down all day. Me and my mum have spent the day watching the ladies flinging the glue and we saw Mrs TM flinging the glue too. My mum keeps making me go out for a wee every time there's a break in the glue flinging and I keep telling her I don't do wet!!! Glad you managed to met up with a mate when you were out. My mum is about to open the bottle of tiddly stuff wot Mrs TM and OTL bought her for her birthday, I hope she can still see the screen a bit later cos there's still more glue flinging to see. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
