Thursday 7 October 2021

Wot a Dismal Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

You know I'm sure the weather man said it would be warm and sunny cos some hurricane was dragging the good weather up from Africa. There am I expecting waving palm trees and camel galloping across the football field and what do I get?

Grey, cloudy skies!

We are running low on petrol for the small car and the local garage has got notices up saying there is no fuel, so, maybe tomorrow we will have to go into town and see what the supermarkets have!

Down on the sea wall we saw no one except these two who were scuttling along heading back to their car! I mean, it must be so grey that everyone has stayed indoors thinking it was going to rain! 

 Roll on the Winter so we get some wind and rain and howling gales!

 I've been looking at some old photo's when Holly and I were dancing around in the snow, we haven't seen any snow for years. It would be fun to see some this year, we could take Eric out and see what he thinks of it!


 You know, even this bench is boring today!

This afternoon Old Two Legs and I have been having a snooze and a cuddle, well, it beats looking out the window at the grey clouds!

If you see any camels let me know!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.












  1. Yo maties. You're right you know Daisy, my mum said the weather man said it was going to be nice today and tomorrow ....... look at it ........ grey and breezy, now that's not wot I call nice. I went for a late walk today and it was boring. All I found was some chaps wot had big lorries and signs saying they were cleaning the gullys ........... wot gullys ....... I see no gullies ...... the only gullies I spotted were flying over towards the lakes yesterday. I decided to make a closer inspection and do you know, they were all looking in the wrong place ...... they were looking down the drains ..... well gullies don't fly down the drains ...... everyone knows that. I decided they were boring and I went off up the road but I couldn't find anything interesting so I decided I'd go home and see if my boy was around for a fight ........ he wasn't ....... boring chap sometimes. You know I like the photos you send at Christmas with you and Holly chops,Snowflake, Brambles, Wilma, Fred, April, May, Wendy and Eric de ferret ...... I just love looking at all my lovely little 4 paw maties. Do you know, we even got one, one year with some reindeer in the picture, but they weren't as good looking as all you are. I hope you find some petrol for the little car ..... my mum says look at google maps, then ask it to show petrol stations and then live traffic ... it shows wot garages are open and if there are queues. My mum said she's still not going to get some cos she's allergic to queues ....... all I can say is, if we run out, I ain't pushing!!!! Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely photo of you Daisy - despite the weather.
    No camels round here!
