Monday 15 November 2021

Another Power Station

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, it's not been the best Monday I've known but at least the rain has kept off.

Old Two Legs and I were out first thing and didn't meet anyone at all, no one!

Now I don't claim to be the roughest or toughest woofer on the block but I do go out for my morning walk and it's only the rain that puts me off, but, a little chill doesn't do any harm!

It was the same at lunchtime. OTL decided to do the long walk again and we only met those three Puggy Woofers, one of which was all over OTL like a rash while another was woofing like he was gargling with custard! The third was bored and went off sniffing!

We saw a Grey Heron pass over us, it was a pity OTL didn't have his long lens but the 50mm one he did have just managed to capture it in flight.

Just off to do some fishing!

 The sea front walk ended at the power station and although we could have got further, it was up there that Holly picked up a tick many, many years ago and I don't fancy collecting a tick!

  Is that a seed head or a big fat tick?

 I didn't get too close; I don't like ticks and the further away from them I am the better! I didn't even bother sniffing whatever it was, I just backed off and got back to OTL as soon as possible!

  No ticks for me!

OTL didn't count and of the steps on the way back but he says he is going to find his GPS gismo and try to calculate accurately the distance we walk.

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a damp chilly day here so I haven't ventured far from the back door. Now my mum went off to do some Xmas shopping and she came back with one present, one bowl on account of when she was dishing up her casserole yesterday, she broke one of the bowls. She also came back with a fluffy rabbit and a nutcracker only this nutcracker doesn't really crack nuts it's one of them soldier type nutcrackers wot was in the film the nutcracker sweet. I had a lick of it but you can't eat it either on account of it's made of wood and got fluffy hair and beard. So that was one pressie, one dish a toy and a bit of wood, I don't think we should let her out shopping again cos she clearly didn't stick to the list. Nice pictures today. I don't blame you for not getting too close to anywhere where ticks might live, I've had one of them things trying to suck my blood, they itch, my mum had to unscrew it from me. Cheeky things hitching rides on us woofers and snacking on us. I'm off for an early night soon so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
