Tuesday 23 November 2021

Warm Innit?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

What a change in the weather today. Like yesterday it was windy and cold and because of the wind it was even colder!

This morning it was clod but not windy and when Old Two Legs took me around the old golf course, I even spotted a little frost on the plastic sheets hung up like curtains.

Lunchtime The Missus made OTL bring my rain coat with him in case it was clod like yesterday.


It was blooming warm, I mean, no wind, no clouds and sunshine beating down on my back!

I got away with the small harness we normally use in the summer time and we left the coat in the car!

We had another long walk but to be honest, I only protested a couple of times and in the end gave up and trotted alongside OTL until we got to the end of the sea wall. 

I got the lead taken off and we both trotted back sniffin' the sniffs.

Well, I sniffed the sniff and OTL just sniffed!

Now, Miss Wendy is showing her age now and wobbles around rather than running and when she has a poo sometimes it sticks to her butt and back legs.

It is OTL's job to wash her backside and make sure all the poo is washed off.

There are times when there is a little more po than we would like and OTL has to hold her up and soak her back end with warm water before the poo will come unstuck. It's at that point that Wendy gets to show off and tells OTL to 'Hurry Up'.

You can tell she is showing off 'cos she wags her tail like a puppy woofer who is getting excited about getting a chew!

Waggy tail or not, she isn't let loose until her back side is washed!

Mind you, she then finds the hairy carpet and scrapes her butt on it until she is all dry again and that includes her tail!

 OTL gets all the best jobs!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well we had pretty much the same here, sunshine, no wind but a frost. When I got home from my walk my legs were wet and cold, but I did have my fleece on to keep me warm on account of I went early and it was still frosty and a tad chilly. I met Boris the bounce today, he didn't bounce though but we had a good chat about sniffs. My mum has been quite busy today so I've been busy doing the guarding while she does the jobs. We had a little siesta this afternoon cos we both worked so hard we felt we deserved a little snooze. Poor Wendy having to have her butt washed, I don't like having my butt wiped on account of the wipes are cold. I'm keeping my paws crossed that the weather is a bit warmer tomorrow and the wind stays away. I think my mum has got another busy day planned. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh the joys of ferret ownership!
    Glad you enjoyed your walk Daisy xxx
