Wednesday 8 December 2021

Another Grey Sky!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, this morning Old Two Legs got up early, very early, you see I decided around about midnight that I was in need of a wee and woke him up so he could let me out in the back garden.

Now waking OTL up in the middle of the night plays havoc with his sleeping pattern so to get him up at getting up time involved me jumping up and down on him as he lay snoring his tail off!

You know, he was even a bit grumpy as well!

When we got down to the sea front the sun had got up but was hiding behind a big thick blanket of grey cloud that blocked the sunrise!


  Not the most exciting sunrise I've ever seen!

 We met up with those Poodle Brothers and Lexy, Lexy set about worrying me by wanting a sniff and a game and again it took a fer serios woofs to get her to back off!

The Brothers made a fuss of OTL them went tearing around playing 'Chase', no problems with them!

If she comes over here again, I'll sort her out good and proper!

The overnight rain had knocked most of the leaves off the trees and of course, most of the sniffs had been washed away as well. 

 Not a sniff to be sniffed!

 When we got home, we found one of the fence panels had blown out and was planted in next doors garden, so being a good neighbour, OTL put it back but I think that a new one will be called for because the panel itself had been in place for at least twenty years and was held in place by the ivy growing over it!

So, that's it for today, not the most exciting but I did get to wander around next doors garden first thing this morning!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. It was a better day here as well, it didn't rain but it was still very cold. I went for an early walk on account of my mum wanting to get back to zooooommmm. I see that Eric went missing and was found fast asleep cuddling a boneo in Mrs TM's craft room. Eric, I could hear OTL and Mrs TM calling you and squeaking balls and searching all over for you, they were getting quite worried you know, it was worrying me in the end when I thought perhaps you'd really escaped. I didn't see any of my mates when I went out, I reckon it was so cold they were all staying indoors nice and warm and sensible. That little Lexy will get the message one day Daisy that you don't want her sniffing where she shouldn't be sniffing. Smashing pictures today. It's good to have a sniff round someone elses garden to see wot sniffs you can find. I'm a bit miffed cos my mum had a kebab for tea and it sniffed lovely but she wouldn't let me have a taste. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh well - at least you got to explore next door!!!

