Friday 3 December 2021

Friday and it's F1!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Friday is here so that means F1 Practice! It's a new track and looking at the practice this afternoon there are loads of corners and big walls all the way around the track, so we are expecting to see the safety car out during the race sometime!

First thing this morning Old Two Legs was bouncing off the furniture on his way to the bathroom for his morning shower when he heard a somewhat frantic scrabbling sound coming from the ferret cage.

Somehow it didn't sound right, so, instead of going straight into the bathroom, he turned left and headed off to the office where the ferret cag can be found.

Miss Wendy was hanging by her claws from the blanket under the sleeping 'Corner Hammock'. She wasn't hurt and inspection of her claws showed she had caught her 'Spur' in the material.

A quick bit of engineering with a pair of scissors released her and off she went back to bed.

Mind you, she did stop and give OTL a lick on the end of his nose as a thank you! 

No camera today, it's been another grey day and we were up too late to catch the sun that stayed hidden behind the clouds!

We met up with Lexy who wanted to play but I didn't! So, after a couple of unwanted sniffs I gave her one of my biggest, 'I'm fed up with you' woofs like wot I did a couple of days ago and she backed off while I hid behind OTL's legs!

I'm getting all big and brave nowadays!

That's it really, not the most exciting day but at least it's not raining!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it was trying to snow here this morning when my mum sent me out to wee. It was really cold and I would have preferred to have been tucked up in my pit. It's been freezing here all day today. Me and my mum had a nice snooze on the sofa though after she did her jobs when she got home from work. I hope Wendy didn't hurt herself when she got herself caught up and hope it doesn't happen again, it must have been a bit scarey for her. I bet she thinks OTL is her hero now. I didn't go out for a walk today, most of the day it's been drizzling or raining or trying to snow so I've decided to stay in the warm and only go out when I really, really have to. Now my mum is such a numpty, she was going to take some parcels to work to post off and she only went and left them on the side where she said she couldn't miss them ........ how daft can you get. I'm looking forward to going to get snuggled into my bed tonight, my mum has been being a bit bossy at bedtime and not giving me enough scoff and then she moans when I turn the hall light on cos I want to go down and get more scoff. 3 times last night I had to get her up, 3 times she made me go out in the cold to the garden and 3 times I had to let her know I didn't need the garden, just scoff!!!! Enjoy the racing. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Gosh , good job that happened while OTL could free Wendy quickly. Glad she’s unhurt.

    Hope you enjoy the F1 tomorrow.

    Now Daisy what is going on with you? You’re getting right feisty without your Sis to protect you. Good on ya - no means NO!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
