Tuesday 28 December 2021

More Rain!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, today has been much like it has been for a good few days, grey, wet and rainy!

Due to Old Two Legs wanting to stay in bed we missed the sunrise and got to the sea front too late!

Fiddling with the 'White Balance' on the camera he was able to take a shot of Sheerness that made it look interesting. 

Who says the camera can't lie?

This is what it looked like as we were heading down to the sea front, a bit boring?

Then, when we got down there and before OTL started to fiddle, he took this shot of the rainbow over Southend.

    Again, not so wonderful and you can only just see the end of the rainbow.

A quick fiddly diddly on the White Balance and 'POW' that can tell a story!

 Well, that can be classed as a sunrise, only the sun is well up in the air but it's still more interesting!

And now, the rainbow, OK, I have seen better but I was stopped in the middle of the road with another vehicle steaming up behind but, it's a rainbow!

So, there it is, fiddly diddly with the camera but not the computer, OTL's getting better.

Now, all we have to do is to get him up earlier to catch the real sunrise!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well the weather was pretty much the same here as at yours today. I declined a walk and I think my mum was pretty relieved on account of it was cold and not eating yesterday, she felt a bit light headed .......... I would say nothing out of the ordinary there with her head. We've had a nice quiet day, mostly snuggled up on the sofa keeping warm and snuggly. Now my mum left my boy in charge last night, he put me out last thing and then complained to my mum that I wouldn't go for him ..... wot a snitch. I'm going to duff him up when he gets home from work tonight. My mum is looking forward to zooming tomorrow. Smashing pictures today, OTL is really getting the hang of this photography lark. I think I'll go and put my paws up on the sofa. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Yes! Give him “Wot for” Archie !
      TM xxxx
