Tuesday 7 September 2021

OTL puts his finger in the dyke!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret are here!

Another super warm and sunny day here in North Kent. Being that it is so good Old Two Legs had no excuses and set about working on the pond. We had two choices; one was to remove all the earth from around the ponds edge. Then we would need to pack the rocks with earth and bring up the height of the edge and that way stop the water from leaking out of the pond.

OTL started digging but soon decided that was just too much earth to move, so, if we can't pack it underneath then we would have to pack it from above!

That's what we did and before long the leaking water stopped leaking and all the flogs that were hiding under the rocks were jumping out and flying off to the pond to escape OTL and his big shovel!

.....and you know what you can do with that shovel!

I suppose we managed to upset six flogs ranging in size from tiddly to quite sturdy, but the all headed for the pond as an escape!

 We are going to need a new electric pump and maybe a new solar panel!

Lunchtime was fun down on the sea wall. OTL didn't let me go in for a swim 'cos he didn't want my wet tail all over the car seats!

I had to put up with looking at the horizon and trying to make out Southend and the kebab shops!

The white bits are Southend on Sea!

While we were looking at Southend a RIB came tearing past us at some terrific speed. It had three outboard motors on the back and with little or no waves it was zooming along just off shore.

 It looked like some sort of official thing especially if you look at the Radar Dome on top together with the other bits of ironmongery on top.

Back home for lunch and OTL was given the afternoon off 'cos he felt 'Jaded' after heaving all those rocks around!

We should get the big car back tomorrow and then it's off to the auctioneers!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a hotty here today. Alf and me went for an early walk and we met up with Busters mum but no Buster, she made a fuss of us though, then further along the road we met little, little Alfie ..... same name as the custard gargler but a fair bit smaller, now little, little Alfie used to tell all the woofers he met that he would chew them up and spit them out, but he never did so now he's given up saying he would. When we got up by the shops the door to the old sweet shop where my mum used to work before she moved next door was open, I thought I'd go in and see if they had any love hearts I could pinch but do you know, there was nothing in there, seems the men are ready to start work on knocking down the wall to make the shop next door bigger, about time, it's only nearly taken 3 years for them to get round to it. There's been more monsters in my garden today, my mum has been taking pictures of them and putting them on faceache. Me and the custard gargler didn't like the look of the caterpillar, my mum found 2 of them but me and Alf only saw 1 but he nearly knocked me flying trying to get away from it in case it chased him, wot a wimp. This one was only about half the size of the one we saw the other day and it didn't have as many eyes or legs. Then there was a dragonfly type thingy wot was sitting on the washing line and then some green thingy on a leaf wot looked like it had armour plating on. I gave my mum a list of jobs today cos tomorrow she's got to take me to the vets so I can get my vaccination and cuddles and then on Thursday she's having a day off to play glue flinging. Smashing pictures today, it's funny the difference in the size of flogs ...... we've got tiny ones to great big fat ones. Shame you couldn't get a dip to cool you down. I've never seen one of them boat thingys. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Alfie (gross windy woofer) puggle, my mum, my boy and the wildlife in the garden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
