Friday 14 January 2022

A day of nothing much!

 Yo! Woofers!

It's Daisy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Well, to help Old Two Legs get over his frustration trying to make the computer talk to other bits of electronics, we persuaded him to have a healthy slurp of finest Malt Whisky, in fact it is called Bunnahabhain.

Just to help you, it's pronounced as Bun-Har-Bain and according to OTL it's like an angel weeing on your tongue!

Not that I've had an angel weeing on my tongue lately!

Now, a healthy slurp would normally have the average Two Legs wobbling a bit but OTL has made a study of the malt whisky of West Scotland and knows how to enjoy healthy slurps!

One of the down sides of malt is that it helps OTL to sleep, in fact he snores like a warthog on heat!

The Missus tries to help him sleep by bashing him with the hot water bottle but that normally has little effect!

Another down side is that he over sleeps and instead of getting up at six, it was a quarter to eight before he rolled out of bed this morning!

Of course, by then the sun had got up and was racing towards midday!

It hadn't changed much when we went out for our midday walk, except the local woofers had all gone home!

Not a woofer to be seen!

I didn't mind there not being any woofers cos some of the woofers are a little rough and rush up to me woofing their tails off! It has been known for OTL to grab these woofers as they rush past and, holding onto their collar, admonish them for their loud woofing and hooligan ways!

  No woofers here either!

 We took Eric to the vets on Tuesday for another squirt of that freezing Cryopen stuff and I think it has made his leg a little sore. He's not limping but we have caught him licking it. It will take a few days to settle down but the good news is we don't have to take him back again until next month!

Let's hope it heals over by the time we have to go back!

Saturday tomorrow and we might even get to stay in bed a little longer!

Bye for now.


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Now if Mrs TM used a hammer instead of a hot water bottle, it might make him sleep a bit longer. Hope little Eric's leg isn't sore, if he keeps licking it you'll have to lend him your thing wot you had when you had your wart treated, mind, it might just walk through the hole. Nice pictures today. It's been really cold here and I preferred to stay snuggled up warm in doors. I'm looking forward to a nice lay in tomorrow, so is my mum and my boy. My mum is also looking forward to watching Mrs TM flinging the glue. Now this angel weeing on your tongue lark, I think I'd have to give an angel a telling off and point it to the nearest tree to wee on. I daresay my mum will be having a nightcap tonight seeing on how she doesn't need to get up at silly o clock tomorrow. Take care and stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
