Friday 28 January 2022

It's Friday!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy and Eric de Ferret here.

It's that time of the week when we all wind down and get ready to enjoy the weekend.

First thing this morning I was up good and early, waking Old Two Legs up so he can get out early and catch the sunrise.

What happened?

He went back to sleep!

You know I had to wake him up three times, and woof at some cats in the front drive!

By the time we got down to the sea front the sun had got up but OTL, being a clever woofer, managed to get some sort of moody shots.

See what I mean, Moody!

OTL reckons that if he had his 'Big Stopper' filter and a tripod he could have made it all sort of misty or fuzzy.

However, he didn't and we got it 'As is'!

Mind you, turning the camera on its side produced a good shot and the Two Legs walking along the sea wall added some more interest.

There is the Two Legs but she looks like her dog has gone!

This afternoon OTL has been finishing up the Tax and VAT records, he hates doing it and is in a much better mood when it's finished!

The lunchtime walk was good, the temperature was well up and I even left my jacket at home!

OTL wanted to take my picture but you know me, I get all shy and keep turning my head so he doesn't see my eyes!

I know what he is trying to do!


So, that's about all for today, I'm looking forward to an extra hour in bed tomorrow!

I sure am glad I don't have to get up at 'Silly O Clock'!

Bye for now.


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Oh Daisy, my little knees are trembling, wot a lovely picture of you. That one is going up in the middle of my cage wall. The other pictures are very nice as well, but that one is just the best. When I got up at silly o clock there was frost everywhere and it was so cold on my little plate of meats. When my mum got home we had a nice cuddle up on the sofa and a snooze to make up for getting up so early. I gave my mum a good licking before I settled down for a nice snooze. Hope you have a nice lay in tomorrow, I've still got to get up at silly o clock again but then after that I can lay in until next Friday, well except for Monday when the plumbing man is coming very early in the morning. Put your paws up all, stay warm and safe. Love, licks and sniffs from little (broccoli muncher) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
