Sunday 16 January 2022

OTL gotta new toy!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy and Eric de Ferret here!

What a day we have had, did I tell you it's Old Two Legs birthday today?


Well, it is and he is now so old we have run out of numbers!

I woke him up this morning with a good ear licking and he rolled out of bed expecting to see a super sunrise, well, he was expecting but unfortunately it just didn't happen!

 And it just didn't get any better!

 We hung around until 07:52hr when the sun should have poked it's head above the horizon but it just didn't show!

It didn't get any better here either!

So, with a sad look on his face we headed off to the trees looking for signs of Spring Time!

The buds have swollen up and are now waiting for the better weather to arrive before sprouting leaves!

Most of the buds were like that, you could almost feel the anticipation!

Back home there were cards for OTL, mostly taking the mickey out of him. You know, 'There wasn't enough room to put the candles on the cake, so we set the garden alight'!

You can tell he is held in high regard by the younger generation!

Eric and I sung him our Happy Birthday song which was mostly in 'Ferret' 'cos OTL reckons he can speak Ferret but he can't, and the Birthday Song got translated and ended up being very rude!

We were going to have a Chinese Take-a-Way tonight but the Chinese is shut on a Sunday, so it looks like it will be a Kebab tonight instead! 

I like kebabs just as much as Plawn Klackers!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well happy birthday OTL ..... Happy birthday to you, did you shovel lots of poo, We hope you did well, Happy birthday OTL xxxxxxxxxxx. I went for a walk this morning but I wasn't very keen but I did see a couple of other woofers wot had been dragged out of nice warm beds and made to go and get their paws frozen. I saw Buddy the bop but he couldn't bop cos he was tied up outside the shop, so I stuck my tongue out at him and called him a fatso and then scarpered round the corner before his TL came out the shop. I waved my tail at Milly who was sitting on the back of her chair looking out the window and then I met a puggly pug who was quite on the fat side but she seemed to be very interested in me. Back home I decided to get in my bed inside my cage and had a snooze while my mum popped over town to get a few bits including a new pair of slippers and some very warm slipper socks on account of her plates of meat getting very cold lately. My boy came down while she was out and we had a good old wrestle and then he complained to my mum that I'd been doing singing all the time she was out. My mum made some snacks and I got a teef cleaning chew and we all snuggled up and watched a film, I wasn't too keen on account it had ghosties in it. Now films today don't have intermissions so my boy got the hump a bit when I decided I needed a wee and another treat. Nice pictures today but they do look a bit chilly. I'm going to have a nice lay in tomorrow while my mum goes and picks up my tablets wot the vet has got for me. Enjoy the kebab. Take care and stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OTL. Hope you had a good day.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. Happy birthday OLD two legs hope you finish the day with a nice single malt.
    Sniffs Oscar & Max🎂🐕 xxx
