Saturday, 5 February 2022

Snoozy Saturday!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy and Eric de Ferret here!

Why is it that all the way through the week Old Two Legs is always late in getting up but come the weekend he manages to fall out of bed a good half an hour earlier!

Not that I am complaining, that means I can get down on the sea wall in time to catch the sunrise.

 Another shot of the Tree, Bench and Poo Bin!

What makes it better is that the sun is still well over the horizon! Well, I have a wee and a sniff and find a sniff to roll in while OTL stands there waiting for the sun!

 Well, it's there but not yet over the hills of Sheppey!

Then, very slowly the sun inexorably climbs over the hill top and...........POW!

Here is the sun!

After that, all we are left with is the increase in temperature as the sun climbs higher into the morning sky.

Being Saturday, I get an extra cuddle from OTL as he tries to give my coat a brush prior to giving me a wash and a haircut!

Now, I know I'm getting on and twelve is a good age for a woofer but the one thing I'm not losing is my brain and I've worked out that if I let him have a little brush and comb, then jump off his lap and leg it out of the office and only come back when he puts the brush and comb back into the grooming bag!

Mind you, there are times when I fall asleep!

But only when I know the brush and comb is upstairs!

It looks like The Missus is restarting the 'Crop' again at the village hall. We don't know yet the dates but when it happens OTL, Eric and I will get a really lazy day!

Just heard the weather man saying it's going to get cold later today and tomorrow as well.

Back to the big coat!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Ooh I say Daisy - put your bits away - Poir old Archie will get all excited!!!!!

    Fabulous sunrise photo’s. Just glorious.

    Happy lazy Sunday all.

    Great news about TM starting up her crops again.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo maties, well I had a nice lay in this morning, in fact I really didn't want to get up from my nice warm pit and go out into the cold garden. I snuggled up nice and close to my mum last night and gave her lots of licks so she would cuddle up to me and keep me cosy. I've had a nice lazy day with lots of cuddles and stayed nice and warm although it is getting a tad chilly outside now and my mum reckons it might be trying to snow. Nice pictures today and I love the one of you snoozing on OTL's lap. I know exactly wot you mean about brushes and combs, I agree with you, always best to disappear when you see them out. I heard that Mrs TM is starting her crops again at the village hall and I bet the ladies will all be pleased and looking forward to you popping in to see them. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
