Wednesday 23 March 2022

Warmer and Warmer!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Wot a wonderful day. I mean, gentle breeze, clear skies and no woofers chasing me!

  Just look at that steam going straight up, no wind there!

 Down on the sea wall we could hardly see Sheerness, the sea mist was still covering the horizon.

 I know Sheerness is over there it's just that we can't see it!

I did get to have a run on the sand but I didn't have a roll in any of the sniffs and I even left the rotting sea weed alone.........honest!

 With a sniff sniff here and a sniff sniff there, here a sniff, there a sniff, everywhere a sniff sniff!

 You know, at the lunchtime walk I even took time to have a little rest on the grass, well, a girl's got to have a rest sometimes!

 He can shout as much as he likes, I'm not moving until I want to!

 Further along the top path I sort of dragged my paws but I did refrain from rolling in the sniffs!

  OK, OK, here I am, you can stop shouting now!

 We took a different path across the top and through the woods but we could still see over the bushes and on to the Medway Fort.


 We will have to go this way again; it makes a change to vary the path!

 The alarm men called and checked over the whole system and with The Missuses help, suggested that Old Two Legs should invest in a new door bell.

The only problem was, they couldn't get a price and TM was unhappy 'cos she had to let go of OTL's arm that she was twisting up his back!

I got a feeling that this is not the end of the saga!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been a nice sunny day here and a tad warmer. I went for an early walk, too early to meet any of my mates though. I did find a nice crust of bread to eat but my mum wrestled me in the street for it so in the end I had to give it up, it was embarrassing to be wrestled in the street by a woman. When we walked past the shop where my mum works, her boss came running out and begged her to work tomorrow morning, I did tell him no but my mum said yes ........ that means I've got to get up at silly o clock again and I was looking forward to a nice lay in ......... no fair ...... me and my mum weren't on speaking terms when we got home, she just did the opposite to everything I wanted. How come you're not rolling in any sniffs Daisy, I found a nice sniff in the garden and had a right good roll in it today. Smashing pictures. I bet Mrs TM has still got poor OTL's arm twisted behind his back, poor chap, these wimmin really don't give us chaps a fair go. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
