Monday 11 April 2022

Been Weeing all over the place!

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy here again!

Well, we have been all over the place today, normally when Old Two Legs has people to visit, I'm left at home to wait for him at the front window. The Missus gets fed up with me whining and getting all upset but finally OTL comes back and we have cuddle.

Not today!

Yesterday OTL said he had to go out and would I like to come with him, driving in the big car!

I mean, does a dog chase cats?

Before all that happens, we had to go for our morning walk.

Of course, we missed the sunrise but the light was still good enough for a photo.

Two Trees and a Bench, the local hooligans have wrecked three of the bins!

Around the corner we came across this shot. OTL likes the way the light plays on the sun reflection and the waves!

The sky 'aint bad either!

True to his word, OTL and I left home in the big car and headed off towards Herne Bay. There was a supplier we had to see and while OTL was in talking to them I stood guard in the car!

That being done we headed off to the seaside only to find the tide was well up the beach. Mind you, that didn't stop me from having a wee on the stones!

I'll have a wee wee here and a wee wee there!

All this weeing is so exhausting, I just had to stop for another wee!

You know, they have a pier off Herne Bay but you can't get out to it unless you have a boat or something like that, it looks strange seeing the pier end stuck out on the horizon!

......and there 'aint no way I'm swimming out to that!

Having wee'd all along the beach we headed off back towards home. Only we didn't go straight home. We first stopped off at the Doggy Shop called Pets R Us to see if they had a booster seat for woofers that was big enough for me to sit in when we go out in the car. Yes, they did have one but it would have been just big enough for a ferret to snuggle down!

That was a waste of time but I did get a pack of Chicken Fillets which was one of Holly and My most favourite nibble!

Mind you, the ferrets loved it as well!

Back home we were back down the sea front again for another wee and a poo before heading back home for a very late lunch followed by a snooze.

You know it's strange that after lunch OTL just has to have a snooze!

See you all tomorrow.




  1. Nice to see you down by the sea but the pebbles are a bit knobbly, I expect OTL had his big heavy duty soles on his feet! I hope your little paws didn’t suffer too much. We are off to the sea side soon but in a county called Sussex, far, far away! Have fun xx

  2. Yo Daisy, well I waited up for you last night but no blog. Glad you managed to get a ride out with OTL instead of being left behind. Sounds like you had a super day finding new places to wee. I went off for my walk and I managed to get up to Brenda's front door and see her and Milly. I had a nice snooze when I got home. I think these TL's need a snooze after they go out in the fresh air. Shame you couldn't get a booster seat to fit but paws crossed you'll come across one soon. Take care and have a good day today. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
