Tuesday 26 April 2022

We see a squirrel!


 Hello Woofers.

Daisy Dog here!

Well now, this morning The Missus decided that instead of chopping up bits of card and covering it all with glue and sparkles, she would get some exercise and come out for a walk with Old Two Legs and I!

It was a little windy down on the sea front but TM was wrapped up like an eskimo! 

You know, I haven't had my coat on for ages, obviously my hair is warmer than TL's coat!


 Just look at this coat and let's face it my tail is the only one in the family!

 Lunchtime it was just OTL and I, the sun was out and OTL had to adjust the camera settings, bearing in mind that he forgot to bring the camera this morning!

There were a couple of butterflies charging around and after a while they both came crashing to the ground all out of breath!


 It's that time of the year again!

 It was when OTL stood up that we saw it, there in the middle of the path was a squirrel! Now we know there was one in the forest, just one 'cos it is rumoured was imported by a Two Legs, much against the law!

The squirrel was seen once during the winter but with little food we didn't expect him to survive. It is with a degree of luck that this past winter was rather mild in comparison to some other parts of the country.

Yep! I'm still here!

 You know, OTL told me to sit and stay and wouldn't allow me to chase it, not like Archie Babe, he is allowed to chase the little monsters!

  I haven't seen a rabbit for ages and now I'm forbidden to chase squirrels!

 Back home we decided to have a snooze after lunch, it makes a change for everyone to have a snooze!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy Dog


  1. Yo Daisy. Why can't you chase the squirrels? I chase them out of my garden every day and the language they use is awful. We've got loads of the little blighters round here, if I catch some I'll post them down to you. They get their food in the summer and bury some to get them through the winter, unless of course a smart woofer, like wot I am, finds it and munches it. I went for an early walk this morning and I spotted Boris the bounce looking out of his window and then I bumped into Milly and Brenda so I waited with Milly while Brenda picked her paper up from the shop and then we had a nice walk together and discussed all the sniffs we'd found. Funnily enough, me and my mum decided to have a nice siesta today, it's nice to snuggle up and catch 40 winks. It's been sunny but quite chilly when the wind blows. Nice pictures again today. Shame OTL didn't get one of Mrs TM all wrapped up like an eskimo though, I'd have liked to have seen that. Not much happening around here today unless you count the squirrels I chased and the birds wot keep coming in my garden. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Bold squirrel! Nice photos of the butterfly and you Daisy xxx
