Sunday 3 April 2022

Snoozy Sunday at the Boat Race!

 Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy back with you again!

We have been right lazy today, I mean, we had an extra half an hour in bed so the sun was high in the sky by the time we got to the Poo Bin!

You know, that's not a bad picture of the Poo Bin!
We spent the morning working on the computer trying to find a program on the laptop. Poor Old Two Legs was getting frustrated 'cos he couldn't find the right version of a program and it wasn't until the Lunchtime Walk that he found it under another 'Save As.......Title'!

Lunchtime the sun was shining and the wind had dropped even more. OTL got out of the car when we arrived and took his hat off, now that's a good sign that the weather is getting better!

Now, just look at that view and all without a hat on!

You know, it was so good that I got to have a roll on the sandy beach. Where the Spring Tide had washed most of the sea shells away leaving just the sand!

It's going to be great next week 'cos the weather man says it is going get warmer as the week goes on!

Maybe if we keep our claws crossed it will only get better and last until at least September when OTL puts his hat on again!

You know, saw just one woofer today, it's funny that Sunday we either get loads of visitors and locals or nothing, today it is a 'Nothing Day'!

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I've had a really nice lazy day as well. I was up at silly o clock then had a little snooze while my mum went to work, I left my boy to do the guarding. Me and my mum had a lovely bear hug snuggle on the sofa when she got home and I gave her a good licking for about 1/2 an hour to make sure she was nice and clean. All 3 of us have the day off tomorrow so we've planned a nice lay in, then we're going to have a Star Trek Discovery binge watch with snacks and snuggles......... wot a good way to spend the day. Smashing pictures today, I'm glad you got to have a good roll on the beach. Me and my mum were watching a squirrel wot had pinched something from someones garden, dragging it along the branches of trees to put in its nest ....... my mum was worried the squirrel would fall cos it was having a lot of trouble dragging wotever it was it had nicked. Well I'm off to put my paws up before bedtime cos these lazy days are quite exhausting you know. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
