Tuesday 5 April 2022

So, who nicked the chicken?

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy back with you again.

What a change it's been today. The temperature is up by a few degrees and the wind was down by a few MPH!

Heading out we had to post a letter for The Missus and when Old Two Legs got back into the car, he noticed that the weather vane was missing from the top of the church spire!

Now that's a bit of a cheek, I mean, why nick the chicken from the church?

It's a bit much and they even left their ladders behind!

I'm going to keep an eye open for any chickens that look like they are lost!

Down on the sea front the clouds were up in the sky looking like they were thinking about going back to bed! 

Well, we have seen better!

I met up with Pod who said he had the Grumbly Tum, but it didn't stop him enjoying a sniff with me!

I never did find out why he was named Pod!

OTL reckons he saw a Cetti Warbler but wasn't quick enough to photograph it, just to make sure. He reckons to have the 105mm lens tomorrow and we know where it has been hanging about, so with a bit of luck we may catch it tomorrow!

This one isn't a Cetti Warbler it's too big!

Now, you don't often see this, a Wood Pidgeon and a Magpie sitting next to each other discussing nest sites!


Well, I saw it first and now it's mine!

 Actually, there were two nests from last year, both unfinished and unused!

 We are crossing our claws that tomorrow will be all fine and dry with no wind, well, that's the plan anyway!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well the weather has been a bit better here as well today. I went for an early walk but I didn't meet up with any of my mates although me and my mum did meet my mate Blaze's mum, seems Blaze isn't very well he's got an infection in his back leg and a really sore front leg and the vet doesn't know why his front leg is hurting. Now, Blaze is huge for a puppy and he's got at least 9 more months of growing to do so we hope he gets better soon cos he's off his scoff and his mum can't get him to take his tablets ........ I did offer to go and help but my mum said that sometimes a woofer has to do wot a woofer has to do and eat their own tablets and scoff. I'm keeping my paws crossed that Blaze feels lots better soon. Tomorrow my mum is going to pick up Millie and drop her off and pick her up at the groomers, I'll be very relieved that it's her going and not me. My mum got a new scoff making gadget today and she's going to try it out tonight so maybe tomorrow, if her and my boy are poorly, we'll all know why. I've offered to do a quality control but that was another kind offer wot was refused ....... I don't know, I give all these offers of help and all I get is no......... Smashing pictures today, the weather does look much brighter. I hope that Pod woofer isn't infectious, I mean, you don't want the grumblies Daisy so becareful where you sniff. I wonder if the chicken wot lived on the top of the church decided to make a break for freedom and used that ladder as an escape route. Watch out for those magpies, they'd nick yer eyebrows. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
